da f**k

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kens "just ask awk" has gone global !!!!!!!!!!!!


what a fukin douchebag, tryin to use the people who see him, and his work, for what it is, to try and promote himself, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaa

glad to know he still thinks of me on a daily basis,
now if he could have only figured out a way around me ?????
I'm failing to see the issue outside the AWK slur. I've seen some rather sketchy stuff supposedly from him but SI seems relatively pleased with his Kennedy engine so whatever I guess.
I am pleased with my Kennedy engine but only for the price. I received the cylinder second hand for a HELLOVA deal.

Looking at the porting, honestly, I did better at my house with a few air tools. It's not as bad as some of the pictures I've seen of Kennedy's fine work (AWK insert uneven intake bridge picture here) but I think mine actually is smoother, better matched, and easier flowing. For a professional, he sure doesn't spend any "extra" time making it look like he cares about what it looks like. I personally, would not send out some of the stuff he did....

To the OP, I think it's funny he took the time out of his day to screenshot AWK and put it on his flikr account. Tells me AWK got under his skin more than Kennedy lets on. I doubt seriously anything Kennedy says would bother AWK at all, he'll just brush it off as babble...
He wouldn't dare show up at busco... He knows deep down that uncle AWK will be there lol. And he dont want the wrath of the blaster family to come down on him in front of his so longed for banshee friends lol...
I didnt mean the banshee owners would be afraid of the blaster bros. I was simply stating YB200 wouldnt show up at busco because of his terrible fear of the blaster bros. I was saying he def wouldnt want it in front of his wannabe banshee friends. He always used to talk about banshee this and banshee that lol.
you just don't get it do you 99 ?????
every time you open your mouth and kennedy's nads fall out of it,
you lose yet more and more respect on here

yeah lookin on from the past he is gettin alot of less respect around here, i have no problem with him since he hasnt done anything to me, but he does try to argue against everything
Most of the Blaster community are kids, so I doubt the Banshee community has much to fear.

dude quit being a troll everytime someone says anything about kennedy you have to side with that ahole no matter what there saying about him so if you dont have anything to add other than "i swing from kennedy's nut im gonna defend him" GTFO btw im 15 so suck my little kid nuts and go put your 1/2 inch peepee in to your rifled, taper bored stock carb and swirled head
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