

New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
Well my mom has been having breathing problems for 4 monthes,the doctors all said it was pneumonia 3 monthes ago.Well now they ficd small cell lung cancer on one lung.So i asked is there any treatment,kimo.they give her 2 monthes to 3 yrs.does anyone know on here if they could remiove one lung or something,because im gunna go in there and strangle that cocksuckin doctor,im so depressed.if any1 knows of a treatment or something.THX
Sorry to hear about your mom man...I dont know about any treatments and dont know anything about cancer really. Im sure the doctors are gonna do what they can and do the treatments they can. Do yourself a favor tho and dont be a dick to the doctor. After all he is the one that is going to be helping your mom. Just keep your head up. Its in GODS hands now. Good luck with everything.
Damn that sucks im sorry to hear that. STAY STRONG. Dont let them doctors put a life time on your mom. Just stay with her as much as you can and pray and hope for the best.
yes I have seen many pepole get a lung remove and kemo will help I no someone that had cancer in both lungs the liver the stomak and s conpletely clear now just pray and the doctors will do anything they can
yea thx guys,theyre given her 8 weeks,but f*ck that they gave my uncle 3 days with prostate cancer and that was 17 yrs ago and hes been in remission for 16,itll all be alright,were goin down to philly to get a specialist in lung cancer.
Doctors are wrong more than 50% of the time (as they were with her original diagnosis). If they didn't see the cancer when they did x rays (if they did x rays) and diagnosed her with pneumonia then I highly doubt the cancer is severe enough to give her that short amount of time to live.

My girlfriends grandma just passed away of lung cancer last month but she was 80 and smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years. She didn't just have just lung cancer she had whats called metastatic lung cancer. Which means she originally had lung cancer but then it spread elsewhere (in her case it was her brain). If your mother is somewhat strong and able to move around whether it be by wheelchair or with assistance then she is still in good shape. The main reason they do chemo is to keep the cancer from spreading and turning into metastatic cancer. I would recommend if she is strong for her to go ahead with the treatment (which lung has cancer the left or right? the left lung is about 30% smaller than the right). If her doctors wont treat her or you don't feel they are treating her well enough then she should transfer to another hospital. Preferably a university or larger hospital.

As some of you may know I am an EMT and have had cancer survivors almost everyday for the past 3 years of this job. Cancer doesn't kill everyone so keep that in your head. She stands a good chance at living a long fulfilling life still.

Im sorry to hear what happened. Most doctors are idiots, I know it as much as anyone else. My girlfriend was recently hospitalized so I know what its like having to listen to them babble. Its frustrating, just hang in there and everything will be ok. Ill keep her in my prayers.
Really sorry to hear about your mom, that's really difficult stuff to go through. Keep your head up though, the human body can do some amazing things, especially when it comes to lungs. People do just fine on a single lung, and it's mind blowing how quickly they heal after someone quits smoking.

The lower lobe of my left lung (half of it) has been shut down due to scarring from infections since I was about 2 years old, hasn't slowed me down.
My uncle was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last summer and he lived twice as long as the diagnosis. It sucks but the prognosises are wrong most of the time.
i hope things go good for your mom...
and about the lung thing im pretty sure you can live with just one because my one friend was born with only one lung
doctors are idiots. almost all of them, i just want to hit. going through my grandpas liver cancer a couple months ago, we had been through so much bullshit you wouldnt belive. they ended up denying him the surgery because they THOUGHT he was too weak. If you saw the state he was in, and how he got up every day to do normal things, you would probably knock the person that said he was too weak. So best is to transfer if your unsatisfied because if you try to deal with the crap they give you, its just wasting valuable treatment time. Best wishes for your mother. She'll be fine. There are many survivers that stay strong for years past the time there given. My grandpa, being 79 with 2 heart attacks around 50, beat out the time they were giving him by a good amount, but liver cancers really bad so he ended up passing away, peacefully though.
i feel sorry for your your family and your mom, a friend of my mom have had cancer 2 times and survived, i hope the best with you.
yea sorry to hear that this is off topic to wat your goin through but my uncle died a year ago due to parkisons disease it caught everybody off guard cause he always tried his best to help everyone and worked on every car he got his hands on(not to mention he had a chevelle ss)
srry to hear bout ur mom man cancer runs in my family pretty bad (yet i still drink and dip like an idiot) my grandfather passed away with lung cancer in 07' had quit smokin for 4 yrs it sux but keep ur head up man ill b prayin for ur mom