budget/barter build

You will need a TORS removal cable and an 35mm intake. I can give you the part number for a cable that has a 90 degree fitting on the end. The 90 degree fitting makes working on the larger carbs a lot easier.
already have the cable on the ported bike plus my 03.rode the 03 awhile today a little rich[I jetted and plug chopped for 20degrees and today was 50]still ran great
It's going to be right where the needle goes through it. There will be a star then the number. Could be on the top or bottom, I've seen them both ways.
I got a few ideas kickin around and need opinions[remember im on a budget
1.stock rear plastic trimmed a little[mine are good shape] with mair fronts
2.truck bed liner on frame/swinger
3.alba a arms
4.banshee axel
what you guys think?
I would only buy the alba a arms if my stock ones are trashed. If your going to buy a arms get some that are +3 up 1. If you just want to widen the front buy some spacers.
So spend $30 on spacers. They will do the same thing as those a arms. Then when you can afford good a arms take the spacers off.