Blaster cr80 flat tracker

Thats why we are here, to learn and share data. Hopefully everything is salvagable. Be sure to throw some rubber plugs in those frame ends or you wont have a frame for that race quad in the future
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is this a dumb idea? valve stem doesn't hit with the front rims on backwards, but what if I put the valve stem in backwards ( just to have it look a little more clean) then drilled and added a second valve stem on the side that I want it on. any down side of having 2 valve stems? other than it just looks weird? gonna have things powder coated on Monday. just tyring to get all the fab stuff done before hand.
the list of things needed is getting pretty small. what about chain rollers? do the stock ones work good? is it the same part for top and bottom? are you guys running the stock or getting the aftermarket spring loaded type?
the stock chain rollers suck. i used the chain rollers off a cr125. works great. as for your rims, if it works, go for it. im no expert and i would hate to hear it not work. but as long as it seals and doesnt leak, it shouldnt be a problem.
is this a dumb idea? valve stem doesn't hit with the front rims on backwards, but what if I put the valve stem in backwards ( just to have it look a little more clean) then drilled and added a second valve stem on the side that I want it on. any down side of having 2 valve stems? other than it just looks weird? gonna have things powder coated on Monday. just tyring to get all the fab stuff done before hand.

Not a dumb idea. it works just fine.
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but what if I put the valve stem in backwards .
I have never tried it , but the valve stem is designed to keep pressure in, putting it in backwards, would it not allow pressure out.

Although the valve assembly is spring loaded, are there chances that some air may escape when the tyre is compressed from striking an object whilst riding, or landing a jump.

Just a wild thought I had.

There will be some slight unbalance of the rim and tyre.
i see what you re saying. blaaster. getting some stuff welded in the morning. gonna talk with my welder and see if he can just weld it shut. should have a video up in 2 weeks. I have a guy to powder coat all the little pieces ( bumper, grab bar, ect) black, still trying to find some one to do the frame either lime or kawi green. one place wanted $300 for just the frame. I ve never had anything powdered before but that sounds expensive. or atleast more than im willing to pay.