Blaster cr80 flat tracker

If that has a power valve, good luck. The RM250 I just did I put duct tape on the vent from PV/crankcase and water outlet then just sprayed PV covers. Wasn't a "perfect" test as ex plug wasn't quite good/tight. Because the trans vents through the PV no way to tell if crankcase leaks into trans. a leak @ reeds.
word from the engine builder is that
The rod is seized. The rod bearing blew apart and that's what scored the cylinder. getting a full rebuild ,punching it out to a full 90cc, and porting. I split 2 stroke cases once before and changed out a crank, but it s not something I feel real comfortable with. glad I sent It out
scored a free sway bar. its just a home made one but should work just fine, and it was free
sway bar.jpg
word back from the engine builder is that the complete engine is trashed. make s more sense to buy another one than fix that one. so bought new engine from ebay. got it today, enstalled and ready to rock. kicked it a few times and wanted to start but wouldn't. ran outta time so tomorrow afternoon ill mess with it more. hopefully its just something stupid or cheap. this is getting to be a little expensive and we re running outta time. got nationals going on in 2 weeks. my boy really wants to run the blaster
figured out the problem was no spark. not sure how I fixed it but got it to spark. drove it into the trailer and went out to the track. it fired right back up and I drove it like twenty feet before it died. once again no spark. everything seems fine, im really hoping its just a bad kill switch. gonna sway that out tomorrow. the only other thing I noticed is it seems like the pickup for the fly wheel is kinda far away. I have nt been able to find anything online as a proper gap though. if the kill switch doesn't fix it tomorrow ill measure the gap (so atleast I know what to put it back too) and just inch it closer to the fly wheel and see what happens
got it running just had a bad ground at the coil. didn't have it tightened down all the way. quad starts easy but we re way off on gearing. it just rev s out right away. 15 48 now. did some better research and gonna run a 15 23. sprocket should be here on tues. nationals in town on fri. doesn't leave much time to practice ha
oh ill put videos up for sure. next problem is my rear gxsr brake. is there anyway to adjust it so there s a lil free play in the peddle. my peddle is real stiff ( could just be from the angle or cuz its super long) but using the brake its all or nothing. push the brake and it locks up. would be nice to have a little something in between
Tear it up at nationals this weekend. I wont be able to make it out to the races.
didn't make it to nationals. screwed up and ordered the wrong size sprocket. was way to big to fit the axle. got it rigged up though and thought it would be strong enough to make it thru the weekend but I was wrong. only lasted about ten min while practicing at a friends house. it was too small anyways. so the 3rd rear sprocket is on the way. turns out no one makes one for out size of kart axle ( 1 1/4) so had to order a 30mm one and then ill have it drilled out to 1 1/4. had to order it from Germany, turns out none of the shifter kart guys in the states use a 30mm axle. they all use 40mm or 50mm. learning a lot about this stuff as I go. only problem is its getting expensive and the race season is flying by.
Just did a full read through. Looking good there, chief. Keep working and you can make a few races or do like jus_me said and have it set up like a champ for next season.

I would say to let me port the engine, but I'm swamped with builds for now. I couldn't have it done done and shipped for at least a week. Plus, my CC right angle piece is about to need new bearings, so I know for a fact that I can't get to those transfers on that little joker if they do go out. I could, however, have that other one punched and ported for you since you have a running engine. I have a local guy that does all of my head designs as well.

PM me if you're interested.
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