Big Thanksgiving Trail ride gone bad.

sorry to hear about ur luck lil dude, sucks when a big trip gets ruined over failed parts.. not the end of the world though, that stuff can be fixed and away u go I:I
Well, i wanna keep it a buget fix so i can get out there and ride, but dont wanna have 2 fix it twice if you know what i mean.
For the ball joint nut; all the threads are still there just bent over and cross threaded, i am considering just taping it and cleaning out the threads? then just putting a new nut on there with the biggest cotter pin i can fit? It should hold!

About the frame, i don't wanna tear apart repaint and assemble again, with the amount of desire i have about the blaster at the moment i would guarantee i would not get it back together. The frame is bent right behind the a arm mounts I think i may just take a torch to it and bent it back as close as i can to stock and then cut out a nice big gusset and weld it in. Im not saying that i would mx race with it, but all i do is trail ride really, the most air i have prob ever gotten is 2 feet and thats on just a lil hill on a trail.

What you think?
Maybe find another a-arm if you can't get the nut to tighten good. The cotter pin only keeps the nut from turning, not popping straight off. Be sure to tap the arm into the spindle before tightening it . Worse case weld the nut to the stud, JMHO. As to the bent frame, does it drive relatively straight? Might have to adjust that tierod a touch. My son's is bent just about that much and I don't notice it.
Maybe find another a-arm if you can't get the nut to tighten good. The cotter pin only keeps the nut from turning, not popping straight off. Be sure to tap the arm into the spindle before tightening it . Worse case weld the nut to the stud, JMHO. As to the bent frame, does it drive relatively straight? Might have to adjust that tierod a touch. My son's is bent just about that much and I don't notice it.

I havent drove it except when i broke in the cold night and i have to ratchet strap it together and 1st gear its way out. I would like to make stregthen the frame, If i cant get it to tap and hold nicely i may just bolt it on and put a cotter key through then tack it a lil to double check my self. I would have to grind to get it off but i dont plan on taking it off anytime soon. lol

Well, i wanna keep it a buget fix so i can get out there and ride, but dont wanna have 2 fix it twice if you know what i mean.
For the ball joint nut; all the threads are still there just bent over and cross threaded, i am considering just taping it and cleaning out the threads? then just putting a new nut on there with the biggest cotter pin i can fit? It should hold!
What you think?


You have been here before, why take the chance, a bodged one is not a good idea. Play it safe and get a new one!

Thats good advice!
Hey everyone makes mistakes. As a matter of fact, I one-upped you! I forgot to put my cotter key in my hub nut on the front left side and guuuuuuuuess what! 3rd or 4th gear up my neighbors driveway and next thing I knew, my left rim and hub cover were about 15 feet ahead of me towards the ditch and the Blaster rolled 7 times, threw me over, smashed my shoulder up, messed up my rims, cracked my helmet, and I could barely move for a day and a half. So as Tom Carlson would say, "Everyone learns the same lessons in this sport. Some just pay a bigger price for the lesson."
Someone on here has to have an extra lower arm... hook a kid up! That's one item i don't have or it would be on your door step. Don't "rig" it bro you'll only have the same problem and get stranded again. Weld a piece of metal plate to both sides of the frame it will never move again.