AWK's wild ride II

this would be awsome i think im only like an hour if that away. i can bring the woman with her bayou to haul the supplies.

damn bro, i didnt know you were only in mt. pleasant, hell you can come anytime, slickerthanyou and his boy are supposed to come tomorrow (sat.), from pittsburgh
but i will expect to at least see you make it for the ride
you're now on the list !!

my list shows like 16 bro's already, and about 13 of them blasters, including both of mine,
looks like we're gonna beat the "busco bakers dozen" !!!!!!!!!!!
just a heads up for all you new jersey boys, sumthin i'm sure noobs knows, but come the 2nd weekend in october here in the mountains, there isnt any guarantee what the weather will be like, i've already hunted archery in october and it has snowed, never an accumulation, but breif flurry isnt impossible
and i'm sure up on the mountain at nite is usually in the low 50's high 40's at nite by this time of year, so be sure everyone brings some riding gloves, sweatshirts, long pants and a warm sleepin bag, only awk can sleep in his chair all nite by the fire, hahahahaaaa

Snow is the reason I drive a 4x4. :)

What time were you looking to get started on Friday? You planning all day or just evening?
Snow is the reason I drive a 4x4. :)

What time were you looking to get started on Friday? You planning all day or just evening?

freek is the one who said he is comin friday, i can roll anytime, i work for myself, so times will be set closer to the date, and will have to be worked out with each person/group,
i cant be up the mountain riding and have bro's drivin all over town tryin to find us, so some serious organization/coordination will be in order
why do you guys have to have all the cool sh*t in the states, i am gunna have to make on of these rides an meet some of you crazy bastards. Maybe you guys should come to the great white north :P
why do you guys have to have all the cool sh*t in the states, i am gunna have to make on of these rides an meet some of you crazy bastards. Maybe you guys should come to the great white north :P

/\/\/\/\ you could prolly twist my arm to come up if we combine a ride with a bow hunt for one of them big canadian whitetails ????
Stay away from the Acorns, them son a bitches like to hide in your pocket!!

Went to the Gun range with my son and Awk and his bud Randy, After a nice ride on the mountain, Had a blast literally. Got the guns sighted in and also got to shot some crazy sh*t, 30 carbine(sp) 15 round clip, The judge(pistol that shoots 410 ga shells) and this little double barrel 357 mini that just about blew out of your hand as it was soo small!
Ok on to the story, So we leave the range drivin back to AWK's place, to pack up and take off. I get in my car after I pack up- ridin down the road and feel a lump on my right side rear pocket, ahhh my wallet is in there, I hate to drive with a wallet just uncomfortable, anyhow, I take my wallet out, sit back down and man still fells like something is lumpy back there, pull out 2 freekin acorns the big kind ya you know as big as a 12 gauge pumpkin ball. How the hell, ohhh wait Joe was picking up acorns at the range, little light bulb went off, my son is crackin up now and explains to me what happen. I was LOL now. Just beware of the acorns when you ride they may want to come home with you. Good times Joe! Can't wait for October!!
/\/\/\/\ as slick was bending over at the rifle range i was playin with these huge ass acorns, well his back pocket was hangin open, so i dropped them in, never expecting it would be 4 hours later and half way home to the 'burgh till he found them
i'm pissin myself here !!!!!!!!!
wheres the vids of us shootin the guns?????
If the ride turns into a ride and shoot I'll definitely be in I:I. Every American needs to feel the gentle nudge of 30.06 out of a Garand.
ride, shoot, blow sh*t up if ya got explosives !!!!!!
read the first post.............
"outlaw style" no old lady's, no cops, no rules, anything goes free for all !!!!!!!!!!
Well here's the crappy cell phone vids- I cannot get the sound to work-

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Damn it man you guy are just making it worse and worse to know i can't make it there! That is the one thing i miss from the army is shootin sh*t and blowin sh*t up. I checked out how long the drive would take and it would take me a day and a half just to drive there and back.
Damn it man you guy are just making it worse and worse to know i can't make it there! That is the one thing i miss from the army is shootin sh*t and blowin sh*t up. I checked out how long the drive would take and it would take me a day and a half just to drive there and back.

That's a long ride, but would be well worth the trip!! Awk is a great guy and his mountain will beat you up! I'm so sore today but i'm ready for another ride!!
Like you will show!!! Those nads are not big enough for you to come!!!! If you go count me in I will be there just to bust this dudes balls!!!!!

Damn dude why you so concerned about my balls? Thats twice you mentioned them in one post. Oh i guess its cause you been swinging on them for like 3 weeks now..
Damn dude why you so concerned about my balls? Thats twice you mentioned them in one post. Oh i guess its cause you been swinging on them for like 3 weeks now..

Dude i hope people are not coming to the ride to play with each others balls??? Its quadfest not ballsfest!!!lolI:I