AWK's wild ride II

personlly id much rather trailride at heilwood at tricounty atv over mountainrdge anyday of the week plus tricounty has a nice setup for camping alot of other stuff going on and a beautiful 500 foot dirt drag strip to play on( ilove those giant rolling hills you can fly up and down too).. mountainridge is okay for utility machines but it has gotten strict since the windmills went up and its mcuh more family based these days im not even sure if yo u can have alcohol on premises anymore but i could be wrong

denny, i agree with the tri-county over mt. ridge, but i think your gettin this ride confused with the one posted for the "mt. ridge fall foilage" ride
this is on public land near my place in johnstown, about a half hour drive to both tri county and mt ridge, tons more riding than either of those places with rolling hills everywhere, but primitave tent camping only
gonna be a blast
o i see how it is dont even get an invite when u were just here not to long ago lol afraid that my brakes mine quit working while im there and you gota help fix them again lol

and you weren't gettin invited, i'm just comin and kidknap your ass for the weekend, with a ransom note for your mom and gf, one of them has to pay up to get you back, hahahaaa
and you weren't gettin invited, i'm just comin and kidknap your ass for the weekend
dude i live right across from the 5'9 and they all hate me il just scream hudacks breaking something they will be there in the blik of an eye lmao and we got this one old cop hes new u two might hit it off :o lol il see if i can make it it might be to far of a drive its like 15 mins away that a long drive I:I
So you saying I can take my 4x4 Silverado up the mountain with the Blaster in the back? lol

yes, right to the campsite !!!!
dont know if trailers will make it ????
we'll figure that part out, leave trailers at my house, and truck the supplies in
Don't know if i will get the blasty on a plane, any one got a blasty to spare and about $2000 for plane ticket hahaha. Why are we stuck in darkest africa? Enjoy people
Don't know if i will get the blasty on a plane, any one got a blasty to spare and about $2000 for plane ticket hahaha. Why are we stuck in darkest africa? Enjoy people

wish you could make it man but i guess a few thousand miles is a long ways haha
I'm thinking about it more now heck I just picked up 2 baja lights for the jeep today so I'm good for some night sh*t if I actually get to go
i would love to ake it but i cant drive lol it sucks im sure its gonna be a great time for sure, hey noober are you going the the ride out in jasper, ny on Sept. 12th? just wondering cuz i am
Damn, as much as I want to go I won't be making this trip.It's 9hrs almost 10hrs with stops for me.I will have to hold out for "awk's wild ride 3" lol when I come down in a few months to pick up my dragger.Thats ok I will be riding with you in a few weeks.I hope you guys have fun and take lots of pics,so in other words bring noober the camera
just a heads up for all you new jersey boys, sumthin i'm sure noobs knows, but come the 2nd weekend in october here in the mountains, there isnt any guarantee what the weather will be like, i've already hunted archery in october and it has snowed, never an accumulation, but breif flurry isnt impossible
and i'm sure up on the mountain at nite is usually in the low 50's high 40's at nite by this time of year, so be sure everyone brings some riding gloves, sweatshirts, long pants and a warm sleepin bag, only awk can sleep in his chair all nite by the fire, hahahahaaaa
just a heads up for all you new jersey boys, sumthin i'm sure noobs knows, but come the 2nd weekend in october here in the mountains, there isnt any guarantee what the weather will be like, i've already hunted archery in october and it has snowed, never an accumulation, but breif flurry isnt impossible
and i'm sure up on the mountain at nite is usually in the low 50's high 40's at nite by this time of year, so be sure everyone brings some riding gloves, sweatshirts, long pants and a warm sleepin bag, only awk can sleep in his chair all nite by the fire, hahahahaaaa

Wanna bet old man lol, I'll pop up a chair right next to you and sleep all night. I was made for the cold. Damn I really gotta find a way that I would be able to go for sure.