AWK's wild ride II

i'm the opposite, i had my baby out yesterday and spanked her ass hard, just like she likes it, if sumthins gonna break i want to find it now, in time to fix it before the ride, not fail me with 15-20 guys standin there watchin me
if its border line/half assed, awk mountain will hand it to you, in pieces !!!!!!!!

I hear ya, my bike is rock solid for sure, especially after my 450 heelie brackets to tighten them up!!! I:I

I was just speaking of the head/bore, it has been around for a while, runs super good but is getting near time. Just want it to hold out for the mountain ride, be reliable for the a$$ whoopin' I'm gonna hand it then it will be broken down for a nice winter rebuild/BB/Portjob/head rework, etc.

Rock on...
Just want to put this out there,
If anyone local guys/youngmen need there quad trailered to Awk mountain, my son and I would be more than willing to unload and come get ya, I can trailer two quads at a time max. My trailer is small 4X8 but my Blasty and rappy fit perfectly. I will be there Friday afternoon the 15th, and be leaving Sunday sometime. PM me if ya need a way there and back, I may be able to help ya- Try to keep it within 30ish miles of Johnstown thanks. Ya don't need to pay me...-Bob
Just want to put this out there,
If anyone local guys/youngmen need there quad trailered to Awk mountain, my son and I would be more than willing to unload and come get ya, I can trailer two quads at a time max. My trailer is small 4X8 but my Blasty and rappy fit perfectly. I will be there Friday afternoon the 15th, and be leaving Sunday sometime. PM me if ya need a way there and back, I may be able to help ya- Try to keep it within 30ish miles of Johnstown thanks. Ya don't need to pay me...-Bob

well thats mighty nice of ya and awk i need ya to cross off my old lady shes no im still on.
/\/\/\/\ yeah, bobs as cool and good of a dude as they come, we may have to take him up on the offer for hudak, like 10 minutes from my house,
and no biggie on the 'ol lady, trust me, you'll have more fun without her !!!!!
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i figured i would theres two personalities to every married man .. the man she wants you to be then the freak the bolts out of hiding when the guys are cant wait.
/\/\/\/\ yeah, bobs as cool and good of a dude as they come, we may have to take him up on the offer for hudak, like 10 minutes from my house,
and no biggie on the 'ol lady, truxt me, you'll have more fun without her !!!!!

if i cant get my paps truck that would be great
well, freek gave me a good idea with talk of decals for all that make it to the ride...
how 'bout t-shirts ???? they'll be homemade, like my "ken oconnor racing" one i made and just had some of his riders up there ask him how i got a shirt but not them, so it was good enuf to fool them
played around with a little design today, and yes thats the "busch beer" logo.......
sorry bout the size, i made it for t-shirt size and forgot to resize for here
tryin to incorporate "" and maybe a yamaha emblem into it also
pretty cool man, just gotta get BF in there

heres a little preveiw of the stickers everyone will get.....i think this would look cool on the front of a shirt, kinda in like the upper front corner.....and then ur design on the back

now we're talkin, /\/\/\ sweet decals !!!!!
wonder if they had decals for sale at the office in busco beach, cause looks like these rides are becoming popular, be cool to have decals from all the ones we get to attend, my buddies camper has a long list of them from gncc races
ok, this ride is creeping up fast, but not fast enuf for me, hahahaa
been asked a few questions, one was about camping accomodations, and as stated on page 1, this is gonna be an all out primitive, on the mountain camping trip, and there is not water available at the one site i have picked out, but a small clean stream at the other place, (drinkable ????) but definately good for washing up, but cold as hell, after i got my cast off last year, i got the bright idea on a 90+ degree day to go plop my ass in, and almost had a heart attack it was that cold, it completely took my breath away
so i'd suggest everyone bring water, at least for drinking, we can always take a short ride to do some washing up
and as for food, you bro's who did the busco trip know the routine, i'd say if everyone shows who has shown interest, and bring at least one quick small meal for everyone, we should be good, ie..... hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, side dishes ???
whats your specialty ???? i know we'll be seeing some speidies show up, hahaaaa,
also gonna check with mom, and see if maybe she won't whip us up some good 'ol spahgetti dinner for one evening, then we'll all just ride to my house and have us a party on the deck????
also, achery season starts this weekend, so guarenteed i'm sticking the first nice young, fat doe that wonders by, venison is on the menu !!!!

as for camping gear ??? if any of you arent familiar with this, check this out.......
Printer Friendly Camping Checklist

and also, been doing some reading up on jetting, even though my bike seems to be dailed in the best it has ever been, i recently spent a weekend at my bro's camp, and damn it got cold at night, and i started noticing some hesitation, bumped up my main to a 162 from a 155 and all seemed good, it is still like that, and running good, but its getting colder here by the week, mid 40's to 50's at night, and i do plan on doing some night riding
so i'd suggest you guys all bring some larger jets, and also, for those of you that live at lower elevations, heres what i pulled up as for the elevations here, of j-town in general, and a highest point i could find on the hiking trail that comes thru here.....

It has an average elevation of 1943.87 feet - 2994 ft above sea level

so bring them jets, we dont want anything fried except them speidies !!!!!!!
check your elevation, if it's considerably lower than this, bump it up 1 or 2, or bring a tow stap !!!!!!!
/\/\/\/\/\ maybe next year we have a ride/whitetail archery hunt at your place,
i'm down !!!!!! < or is that up for canada, hahahaaaa
hmm sonething to consider, there really arn't to many trails around my place, i usually keep to my 19.8 acres. there is a track 30 minuted from my house, blaster should be ready for it this spring, whitetail hunting is decent here, better a little further north, to bad i am not aware of anyone in sault canada up here, close for the detroit area and easy access from the states, and its essentiall empty up there, i got a cottage up there and you can hunt anything up there, i hace personally killed a partridge with a stick cause it hadn't seen a human yet. but i wanna get some sorta ride going for the end of august start of september, dont matter where, as long as it is no more than an 8 hour drive for me