AWK's wild ride II

No dragging here, I'll be lucky if I get broke in completely before the ride. May have to be easy the first day out!<<<< Ya right!! There is no easy on that mountain! Can't wait for Rockface, Top of the world oh and the Turkey Run! 14 day bitches!

awwwwww maaaaaaaaan lol, you just gotta apply yourself to the break in lol :D :D i was doing mine before work every day haha I:I I:I
Someones gottah get vids of these friendly races. Didn't noob have the fastest trail blasty at buaco?

haha thanks man :D but nah dually's flotek BBK, mr 305's CT and battbike could all whoop me lol holeshot is right there heel nippin also hahaha I:I but there will DEFINATELY be vids :)
ill be watchin from the sidelines. with all these stroker kits and big bores i higly doubt ill even stand a but itll be fun
pffft you guys and your little 2 strokes, so cute

bahahahhaha i bet a few of you guys could hold your own running with me, if not beat me
well plus i dont wanna show you guys up too bad. my invisibly awsome turbo and uni sticker would tear you all up. i dont have a tail light but if i did you guys would be lookin at
its gonna be cold at night for camping lol brrrrrrrr. any of you youngins have a cougar mom with a warm house? hahahaha I:I I:I
I may have to repack and silencer and flip it upside down lol, and for the drag racing i may have to take off my front fender extensions for aerodynamics...lolI:I

Did i spell aerodynamics right??????