AWK's wild ride II

16 days and beerless! Gotta save up. Letting my son stay home from school friday so we can have a good weekend! My parents would never do that!
Should be gettin the motor back this weekend, will have to do some breakin in and try to get a tank of gas through before the mountain range ride. Oh ya!!!
im gonna get a taillight installed this weekend just so you guys can check it for me! baaaaaaaaahahahahaaI:I I:I :D :D:p

lmao...sounds familiar lol....u guys just might be suprised at the nasty little blasty power plant thats going in the "sickness" for the massacre on the mountain ride muhahahahaahahah
noobs, your post did make me think of some drag racing, cause my bike is running sooooo much stronger than at busco, seems i had a base gasket sucked into and half blocking off my left side transfer ports, plus got me a little more head work from ken too, she's rippin now !!!!! gotta see what i can do against a flowie +3 ???
so yeah, i have a great spot on a wide ass dirt road a couple hundred yards long

i might even look into making us a little red/yellow/green start tree outta a couple LED's this weekend, how'd that be for official awk mt. dirt drags ??????
noobs, your post did make me think of some drag racing, cause my bike is running sooooo much stronger than at busco, seems i had a base gasket sucked into and half blocking off my left side transfer ports, plus got me a little more head work from ken too, she's rippin now !!!!! gotta see what i can do against a flowie +3 ???
so yeah, i have a great spot on a wide ass dirt road a couple hundred yards long

i might even look into making us a little red/yellow/green start tree outta a couple LED's this weekend, how'd that be for official awk mt. dirt drags ??????

awesome!!, glad to hear ya got her dialed in man I:I i want to see what i got in 300' against bronco lol :D :D I:I. a homemade tree would be saaaweet!!!! gonna be a blast I:II:I
noobs, your post did make me think of some drag racing, cause my bike is running sooooo much stronger than at busco, seems i had a base gasket sucked into and half blocking off my left side transfer ports, plus got me a little more head work from ken too, she's rippin now !!!!! gotta see what i can do against a flowie +3 ???
so yeah, i have a great spot on a wide ass dirt road a couple hundred yards long

i might even look into making us a little red/yellow/green start tree outta a couple LED's this weekend, how'd that be for official awk mt. dirt drags ??????

awesome!!, glad to hear ya got her dialed in man I:I i want to see what i got in 300' against bronco lol :D :D I:I. a homemade tree would be saaaweet!!!! gonna be a blast I:II:I

A starting tree will be awesome!!! Only 300' im going to neede more room to PASS My ct 240 is weak on the bottom and strong in the mid and killer on the top, so i need room...... I dont think my carb is jeted right on the bottom. I have played with the pilot jet, clip position and air screw nothing makes a difference. Im hoping for some jeting help, and maybe some of you boyz can ride my blaster and give me your opinions on the jeting, or maybe my motor is fu*k@d. Last time i was riding wideopen and let off the gas i noticed a knocking sound then i hit the gas and it goes away, i dont remember hearing that sound before......So i beat the hell out of it for 40miles and it ran good.. Im going to do a leak down test this winter..

I can bring my kids Hotwheels RADAR GUN so we can see how fast our blasters can go......I:I
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A starting tree will be awesome!!! Only 300' im going to neede more room to PASS everyone.. My ct 240 is weak on the bottom and strong in the mid and killer on the top, so i need room...... I dont think my carb is jeted right on the bottom. I have played with the pilot jet, clip position and air screw nothing makes a difference. Im hoping for some jeting help, and maybe some of you boyz can ride my blaster and give me your opinions on the jeting, or maybe my motor is fu*k@d. Last time i was riding wideopen and let off the gas i noticed a knocking sound then i hit the gas and it goes away, i dont remember hearing that sound before......So i beat the hell out of it for 40miles and it ran good.. Im going to do a leak down test this winter..

I can bring my kids Hotwheels RADAR GUN so we can see how fast our blasters can go......

yes bring it im dying to know top speed on mine lol I:I

A starting tree will be awesome!!! Only 300' im going to neede more room to PASS My ct 240 is weak on the bottom and strong in the mid and killer on the top, so i need room...... I dont think my carb is jeted right on the bottom. I have played with the pilot jet, clip position and air screw nothing makes a difference. Im hoping for some jeting help, and maybe some of you boyz can ride my blaster and give me your opinions on the jeting, or maybe my motor is fu*k@d. Last time i was riding wideopen and let off the gas i noticed a knocking sound then i hit the gas and it goes away, i dont remember hearing that sound before......So i beat the hell out of it for 40miles and it ran good.. Im going to do a leak down test this winter..

I can bring my kids Hotwheels RADAR GUN so we can see how fast our blasters can go......I:I

haha i hear ya dude, i do pretty damn good on bottom end but top end screaming is where my quad raises the most eyebrows lololol I:I I:I cant wait!!
No dragging here, I'll be lucky if I get broke in completely before the ride. May have to be easy the first day out!<<<< Ya right!! There is no easy on that mountain! Can't wait for Rockface, Top of the world oh and the Turkey Run! 14 day bitches!