240 +3mill Complete Rebuild

Hey thanks for all the kind words guys. My friend is spending the money and doing everything the right way. I cant wait to see all the locals face when he lays the smack down on some of the 450's and Shee's.

So far the parts that arrived are as followed

Front Disc Brakes
DG V Front Bumper
Douglas Red Label .190's
Pro Taper Bars
Scott Grips
+4 Swinger
Renthal Chain

Still have to order the

Adjustable Timing Plate
V Force 3's
+3 Crank
Another thing....Do any of you recommend changing the front/rear sprockets? Im guessing he is going to want more top end since he is going to have all this power down low. Im no chain expert, so where would this put me as far as number of links w/ a +4 swinger.
Ordered more parts last night

+3mm crank
V-Force Reeds
34mm PJ
UPP manifold
Airbox Adapter
Stud Kit

Need to order pipe, Barnett Clutch. Anything else you think I might be missing?
Another thing....Do any of you recommend changing the front/rear sprockets? Im guessing he is going to want more top end since he is going to have all this power down low. Im no chain expert, so where would this put me as far as number of links w/ a +4 swinger.

get urself a banshee chain they dont need to be cut for a +4 swinger......perfect fit!
Picked up the 240 kit this weekend. We are going to continue to work on it next saturday. So ill get pics of all the parts, and more of the teardown.
Good news....
Everything is torn apart, and its down to the bare frame. Pics to come. All the parts arrived, and everything will be shipped out to Denny @ Flotek this week.

Bad news...
Steering stem nut was seized and broke. So now I have to find another stem, or aftermarket one. Anyone have any suggestions? Also I noticed that there is a grease fitting and looked to be seals where the stem slides into. If I powder coat the frame, im guessing the heat will destroy the seal in there correct? Comments, thoughts...
From this

To this

Some pics of the parts


Awesome build. I did the same thing couple years back but just a top end left the bottom end alone. One thing I would recommend is the +4 swingarm like you got. I wish I would have as I left mine stock. Also try to save money for the axle if you get A/M a-arms. I have +3+1 arms and stock axle and it doesnt do it justice. I need the axle and swingarm to make it sit right. (im 6ft 180). I look like a clown on it. Another thing for powdercoating. I got my swingarm and axle carrier powder coated too to match. Only three things I got coated. I painted the rest to match the black coating (bumper, a-arms, nerf's,etc.) Also you gotta figure your gonna need new axle bearings if you do the carrier and swingarm bearings since its all apart. When i put the front hydro swamp on mine the bearings were good so I didnt need new ones. Also chain guide and rollers too you might as well get...that way everything is fresh!. Its a very easy bike to trear down and build up. Also you should be fine with the steering stem. But your powdercoater (if hes a good one) will let you know for sure. Have Fun!
Just an update. I finally got some time to start putting this thing back together. I got the A-arms, steering stem, bars, grips, swingarm, shocks, & front bumper on. Ill try and upload pics tonight.
Sweet! I hate to see broken projects that never get finished.... I like to see them wrap up finally.

One question, the title says 240 +3 but I don't see a 240 unless that's a stock cylinder sleeved to a 240 running a stock carburetor and intake manifold.
out of curiousity are u sleeving ur stock cylinder to a 240? or is it being bored 40 over?
or u buying a 240 top end? otherwise.....pics pics pics