does have a small 3/4 inch sticker on the right side antler....prolly cause if it was scored typical, that one odd number point on one side would subtract from the grand total ???? does have a small 3/4 inch sticker on the right side antler....prolly cause if it was scored typical, that one odd number point on one side would subtract from the grand total ???? does have a small 3/4 inch sticker on the right side antler....
I see. I didn't know that you got deducted for non-symmetric points on a typical... They have had a new law in MN for the last two years that bucks must have 4 points on one side to be legal to shoot, so hopefully there are some more big ones around next year.
this does not work, our state implemented that law a few years back, most counties are at least 3 points on one side, guess what the majority of bucks i saw this year, fuggin 4 points total, some 3 point total, and spikes, i passed up 5 and 10 yard shots all season, sometimes 3 & 4 a day during archery season
some of these deer were completely white faced old ass deer, which are on the downward spiral of life, and will never be more than what they are...4 points and under, and thats whats breeding most of the does, as there are less and less of big bucks, cause everyone has to wait for the big ones, so they are all shot up, leaving those big horned genetics out of the equation
i've been archery hunting for 35 years, and have never seen so few nice bucks, and far too many small, non qualified deer
things will be different next year, as i will do my share to cull these inferior
breeders !!!!!!!
When you say 3 and 4 pointers, do you mean 3x3's and 4x4's (6 and 8 pointers)? Its funny, in MN around where I live a 1.5 year old is usually a small 6 pointer, and by our cabin in WI they are only spikes, or forks at the same age. I think it has a lot to do with the nutrition they get (lots of corn and soy bean fields in MN, vs not many in northern WI). Bad genetics don't help either.
shot this in the kitchen 10 minutes ago, posted it on facebook 1st, wife spotted it with her perscription spotting scope at about 4 yards, so I quickly grabbed my model 1911 colt wally world airsoft and started digging thru the cupboard, jumped out started scurrying to my right I took a half step back and squeezed off a lucky shot. then popped a couple double taps to be sure he wasn't gonna turn into a zombie or something... $11 walmart airsoft 1 - home invaders 0
it was a very quick incident only had a split second n the one shot I could get off in the time actually hit its mark. I practice on gekko's all the time at 20' give or take but I can usually aim, and take my time and even then if I miss they're too dumb to run LOL so I can eventually pick um off anyway. I also shot at a bird with my new 1200fps pellet gun that is louder than my god damm 22, I thought the neighbors may call the cops lol. next time I'll just use the .22 since it's sighted in and shoot like some subsonics instead of the hypervelocity or whatever I normally shoot is called (I mostly let the wife and kid shoot the .22) anyway, pic of my high point for today/night LOL
oh yeah, I got my hunting license but haven't gotten to go lately as I've been busy wrenching bikes on the weekends n holidays (only days off) but plan on looking for a bighorn sheep next chance I get (we don't have deer so it's the best meet and rack besides wild boar)
my first deer ever 2 years ago
50cal remi muzzle loader
ummm nvm dont have a pic of that.... but it was a nice 3 pointer, big body small rack
my deer last year
20g remi shot gun slugs
cool i dont have the patience to sit in a deer stand fore hours id rather be in a duck blind or wading out in the water watin for them ducks to fly by
neither do i. so i usually bring a stick and a knife and widdle some wood. last year i made a cross. y,idk im not catholic. but it was kool!