Wreck storys huh,, I got one, when i was 14 "I'm 20 now" i was riding the blaster that i am restoring, i was riding with 2 freinds and my cousin, all 4 of us had blaster,, which were IT in the day before all this 4 stroke nonsense any way my two buddy's were heading back to one of thems house i decided to go with them and my cousin decided to go back to my grandparents house... well he is a big boy and at the time was proply 280 lbs. and a piss poor excuse for a rider.. where we were riding had very large like drainage ditches, kinda hard to describe but, you had to go around a big like "gully" or valley with. one side was tapered and one side was vertical. on the bottom about 35-40 feet down was like a 6 foot wide cement like water runway going the whole length of this valley. past that was a nother smaller ditch,,, you get the jist... well i had started following my freinds out but my cousin had gotten stuck in the small ditch beond the valley, so i told them i had to head back and get him fixed up... top of 5th on a 2000 blaster on steroids in 2001 doin about 60, I have no idea where my mind went. at the last second i locked it up and endoed off of the cliff, later freinds looked and my tracks went up to the drop off but not down it, I woke up at some point after my cousin and freinds were long gone..... all of them thinking i was with some one else... i did not know what was going on but, a sad excuse for my new blaster lay ontop of me who was face down...... Now i yelled for help for a mintue but as I calmed down i knew i was wasting my breath "no one around" I worked my way out from under the blaster my clothers were ripped up and i was bloody and layin in shallow water running down the cement. while trying to get out from under it my pants ended up around my ankles.... In the wreck i broke 3 ribs my left arm and wrist and my left leg, tore my ACL and crushed all the muscle in my left calf... If any of you have had a broke arm before you know it is a task to pull your pants up with one hand and i was coming out of shock and in very bad pain...... it was nearly winter in northern Indiana and as i said i was wet and VERY COLD,, i knew what i had to do so I made my way out of there.. i went betwenn 1 and 2 miles before i got to a local neiborhood that has walking trails by the time i got there I was about to lay down a just go ahead and die as far as i cared.. when i made it to the walking trail a midage couple was walking the trail,. With my pants around my ankles i yelled for help a time or 2, they looked at me wild like seeing a boy with no pants rather that some one very hurt, that was about all I had and I passed out.. i woke up once again bouncing on the mans shoulder he took me to the nearest house put me on their back porch in a chair, beat on their door and got me an ambulance, as i said i broke my left arm and wrist, left leg,ribs,torn ACL crushed muscle and it ripped the skin off of my shin.. Later my freinds went back to get my blaster, myne was the nicest of my freinds and was a big thing to me and my freinds, they said that they passes it 3 times thinkin that someone had thrown a shopping cart off of the cliff, I cant say any more what all happened to the quad it bent the steering stem bent my bars down enuf to leave marks on tank cover, bent my right wheels in ripped the grab bar off and my power core 2, right fender never came home, ripped the seat and so on,, i said i would not ride again, but before i was out of casts my family got me a banshee!!!! yea, I still ride and have since had my ankle screwwed together fake joint put in cartlidge repairs, collar bone broke and misc breaks and injuries, I totaled the R1 you see in the pic a year ago Aug. 15, it and my banshee were sold because i never got medical insurance when i turned 18,,,,, any there is a wreck for you guys,,,, I never saw the man or his wife again and would not recognize them if I did, but was very graiteful and wish I had the oppertunity to do so.