actually oil is a nonrenewable resource because it is consumed faster than its produced 
Non-renewable resource - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Non-renewable resource - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is enough oil under Alaska to last everyone alive and there grandkids and there gandkids lifetime and if the world last that long there will be a huge war over it. Only a fraction of the oil in the world right now comes from North Amreica, most comes from the middel east BUT there is just as much oil here as is there. The government is smart in a way of lets use up everyone elses oil and save ours.
Now to the sign in the parking lot.... I would park my truck there and if anyone said anything about it I would tell the it is EXTREMLY Fuel efficent, It makes really good HP for ever ounce of gas it drinks. It doesn't say it has to be fuel efficent in a sence of getting good MPG, mine makes a lot of power per gal.
itmight make some nuce number plates lol