yb200 wheres my swinger

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ok guys, i wanna clear somthin up for u, i wasn't kissin butt in my post, i was just speaking my mind, i do beleive yb should have to do the swinger, and for anybody who thinks awk was bein so mean, really guys, cmon, it's my man AWK, haha, i don't really give a crap, haha, i actually laughed when i read his post, no offense taken
If I stick my arm in your bumper, will I get bit?


why don't you ask the last guy to try it.......
thanx for clearin that up 04, < me swingin from your sack!!!!!!!
awsome pic, you should get a stuffed cat for in there, and just leave it while you ride
i thought after yb responded "tough luck, you'll get it when i feel like it" that this thread was over
now back on subject............yb, where the fuk is his swinger ??????????
How old are you again? Better keep it safe and pick on a 13 year old.

why are other people’s names that have nothing to do with this being brought in and trashed???

then you belittle a little kid for simply says back off yb because he has been busy. that is pathetic.

the people that have nothing to do with this, should just shut the f**ck up and stay the f**ck out of this.

Sorry did we offend some internet trolls!!! sheeblast you have been banned 2 times I believe from here and are on your 3rd screen name here and you come out trying to rip people for their opinion.Thats how you were banned the first 2 times!!motoman has been banned from many sites just not here yet.He has been on good behavior.But if he keeps putting it in yb's chocalate starfish he may be soon enough.BTw where the fuk is kxberger's swingarm.Did we forget about him not recieving it yet???Or better yet the tool hasn't even built it,thats right!!!
def never going to promise something I can't come through with, on this site. Damn! sounds like he deserves the bashin though. hope you get your swinger
baaaahahahahaha, "up the chocalate starfish"
and prolly drinkin "hot dog flavoered water" too
What a thread.
This thread would have been closed a long time ago on any other forum that I'm on.

Although I think the man should deliver on his promise. No offense, but if you have time to go race, you should have an hour or 2 to do up a swinger.
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