yb200 wheres my swinger

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Sooooo from now on, when people ask who extends swingers I think you know who to come to.

My swingers...



VS Yb's junk...


SO not only did that swinger almost kill sborns but it broke a nice yfz shock. Pics tell it all.
I just think freek needs to lay him out. Just to let you know, back last year in November, YB got ripped from "liquid5soul". I think YB will do the right thing. It is ridiculous that its taken him 5 months but people can get side tracked, very easily.
ahaha brett is a swinger!! lol jk

but anyway wheres my dolla?

those are some nice smooth welds, SEND YOUR SWINGARMS TO BLASTERBOY794
well we can all add another name to yb's sticky in the for sale threads.... get this guys, it's called " people to watch out for " LMFAO
hey guys, maybe YB has A.D.D? he goes to the garage and starts workin on the swingy, and a butterfly flys buy, then before he knows it, its midnight and he's still chasin the darn butterfly, hahahaha
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