I just don't really get the beef with 4 strokes. They are superior powerplants.
2 strokes like Banshees(which is off a motorcycle mind you) will always dominate drags at dunes, but everywhere else, it's pretty much game over......and has been. Even then, even if you have the most badass banshee out at the dunes, it's somewhat kind of all for not as soon as somebody with a transplanted turbo Busa engine rolls up.
About the only appeal now with 2 strokes are powervalved, air cooled, yet high performance varieties in the sake of having weight savings......but engines like that are hard to come by. That might be the one appealing thing to me is a 125cc powervalved blaster with a chromoly chassis, etc. Down the line, I will probably pick up a Banshee or 250R as a side quad just to have fun with simply because the sound and feel are appealing but realistically they aren't faster when it comes to any sort of real riding. Even the mythical 250R has a hard time sniffing what modern day KTM's a doing by rolling out of the factory with 50+hp engines in them. Getting a 250R in race trim to 50hp is a task in and of itself with a stock cylinder and no powervalve for a pleasing race experience. Sure once you get up to 300/310/330/etc ESR kits and all that jazz they can get there, but like I said.......there are quads rolling out of the factory now....without larger bores, without aftermarket exhausts, intake mods, etc. that are putting out those numbers.....and are 4 strokes.