When it rains it pours!

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I finished the silencer (minus packing it) after I got the perfect tubing today at the Ace hardware out by work (the local one didn't have what I was looking for). More pictures tonight.

I need a viable clear coating for this head pipe and I need it quick, otherwise it's getting high temp coated black or silver. I don't want to, the bare has kinda grown on me, but it's been high humidity since Saturday and the outside has started to rust/tarnish a bit. I need to do something with it very soon before the rust actually sets in and does any damage.




The cylinder adapter


Internal stinger

I HATE to make predictions I cannot make good on but if money plays out like it might, I MAY be able to make it to busco with this thing.

Freek, I know I told you not to ship the cylinder...... ship the cylinder! I'm running out of things to do other than get the engine together and ready.

Also, who want to trade a standard stator plate for a ricky stator adjustable one? The plate I have isn't real clean but it IS an adjustable stator plate. Unfortunately, they only leave enough meat for an 11 degree timing advance. The stock stator plate goes all the way around but isn't adjustable. I can easily make up for the lack of adjustability with a drill but it's a little more involved to make up for a lack of material being there to work with....
I don't need the stator coils, just the plate itself. I've already removed the coils from this plate so it's ready to go. I just need a stock stator plate so I can have the ability to set this engine up on 15 degrees timing advance (or more if I so choose)
My understanding of the subject is that top fuel cars run 50-60 degrees advanced timing because the how slow the fuel ignites and the flame propagates. I've read that the ignition system on a top fuel dragsters works not to ignite the fuel itself but to create a pocket of hot gas to expand the flame and disperse the fuel. The shock and heat from compression ignites the charge.

I'm not going to be running THAT much nitromethane so I figure a *MAY* need more advance than the Ricky Stator plate can offer. If so, I'd rather by prepared and ready for it than caught with my proverbial "pants around my ankles"
I was really glad to see you coming along so quick with this. I though before you said anyhting that at the rate your going you would be ready for busco! Hope you do bro!
I don't make ANY guarantees. I only have three and a half weeks. Money and machine shop backlog are my kryptonite here.

I got 36 feet of 3/4" tubing today and because of my wife's schedule I didn't get a thing done on it except the connector between the stinger and silencer welded to the headpipe. The good news is, except for some sort of coating and packing the silencer, the pipe is done.
I snapped a real quick picture of it before I left to meet my wife for dinner and I showed it to her when I got there. She asked " and WHO'S it THAT?!" I said "mine..." and she replied "oh sh*t, that is our back yard isn't it?" I just lost it in pizza hut...

Obviously the swingarm has yet to materialize... I got the tubing in yesterday but took yesterday and today to work on the front suspension (which was also waiting on the 3/4" tubing) and the pipe mount. The pipe is in it's final configuration minus a small spring to hold the silencer into the adapter. That's a relatively trivial issue as it's a virtual press fit into the adapter anyway.

I'm now running dangerously low on argon....again! I'm going to have to get another cylinder at about $65 for the gas! ugh this welding thing is expensive....

I'm going to lay out the tubing for the wheelie bar and swingarm tomorrow afternoon, pictures of the setup as I work!

Freek, mail that cylinder bro! I'll still bring the exchange with me to busco but if I can get that cylinder all machined and ready to go before busco I might be bring that exchange and my dragger.

A special thanks to Neil, for helping me out with the welding setup (and for NOT knowing it all and letting me make my mistakes on my own), thanks to Mike for the times you stood there and let me bounce ideas back and forth, and Jeff for making sure every 2 minutes I know it's Mike's fault so I know who to go see about the problems I'm having! Also, thanks to mmajay for telling me if I didn't go look at this Tig outfit, he was going to ride out there and buy it for that price.
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