99lrd there is def. something wrong with your quad.
Hollywood Dirt Productions.....he's no longer in business since I guess he had a big business fallout from his business partner, however he was a very reputable porter from other blaster owners along with CP porting way back in the days of BlasterHQ.com. I can tell the engine is woken up quite a bit, but at the same time it's not enough to beat a stock 400ex. Friend's Toomey piped/filtered Blaster couldn't either.
My blaster has quite a bit of work and doesn't beat a stock 400EX. I have port and polish, milled and rechambered head, bored 30mm carb, LRD pipe, and so on and on. Jetting fine.....perfect actually, and while I'm not a godly rider, I'm not bad and the results were always the same when I got on the 400 and let my friend ride my blaster. So as far as my blaster goes, the fastest thing I've beaten is pretty much the same stuff I beat when it was stock....warriors, 300ex, etc. My friend's "stock" blaster(same one that owned the 400) with a Toomey pipe and the air kit they provide was actually faster than mine, but still lost to the 400 although hung better with the 400 since he had the stock 22in tires, whilst I had 20inch rears. We both had 14 tooth front sprockets.
I guess I'm just always surprised how many people beat his 400ex in drags when we could never beat a stock one even after his Blaster's mods and ALL of my mods on mine.
About the only thing I can think of is that it needs a bigger carb. That's about all I can think of though. Compression is at 146psi, plug is chocolate brown through all rpms and jetting is spot on. Physically it runs and drives perfectly fine...it's just not faster than a stock 400EX. I had HDP bore and "rifle" out my carb to 30mm. My only guess is that it probably needs a 34-35mm carb to unlock better power. That's about all I can come up with. Another member on here "FLOTEK"...you might know him, knows Marc from Hollywood Dirt and knows his work or what was his work.
Have you tried to open up your airbox or remove the airbox lid and then re jet it????? I was able to go to a bigger jet after removing my air box lid....
im with tater on this one, something must be wrong. i have a buddie with a 400ex and it has a +2 front sprocket, no lid ,some jetting work and a exhaust and i whoop his ass every time we race, it makes him sad haha![]()
the 30mm should be fine imo, what are you running for a reed setup?
with a +2 on that 400 his max speed would increase but in a dragrace he would be slowerim with tater on this one, something must be wrong. i have a buddie with a 400ex and it has a +2 front sprocket, no lid ,some jetting work and a exhaust and i whoop his ass every time we race, it makes him sad haha![]()
the 30mm should be fine imo, what are you running for a reed setup?
Yea, I've heard this a lot, but I've never seen it on my blaster or my friend's blaster with Toomey pipe and filter. Not disagreeing, just saying. I had VForce Delta 2s?...I took them out, ported the stock cage, and put Boyesen Carbon Fiber Reeds on. Doesn't matter either way..I've ridden it with both.
Part of me thinks the stock 26mm bored to 30mm should be fine, but I just have this innate feeling a larger carb is what is holding it back. Contemplating purchasing a used 34mm 250R carb or just some general 33-35 Keihen(I can never spell that) carb and trying it out just to check it out and see. I've got quite a bit of torque and it pulls pretty hard through 1st through 3rd, but the 14tooth front sprocket kicks in and the gearing starts to slowly atone for less. If the 13 tooth was on there and it was offroad, it would rip through gears like no other. Quite torquey and responsive, which is one reason I just get the feeling the carb needs to be bigger. And yes, the jetting is spot on. I jetted it and it's spot on, had a Yama tech confirm it, and my friend confirm it by taking plug chops at each 1/4 of the throttle. I'm real picky about having jetting perfect.
with a +2 on that 400 his max speed would increase but in a dragrace he would be slower
really?? lol. yeah im talking a top speed race up the road. its not even close. OP sounds to me you might have a bit of a hanging idle wich could signal a small airleak but i dont think thats your issue. you dont really have much engine work but enough that you should get that EX, only thing i can think of is your porting is off, i know you said the guy had good rep but was he skilled with blasters specifically or 2strokes at all? seems alot of shops aroudn here consider a port job just opening eveything up and not paying attention to durations and angles adn whatnot.
Poster "FLOTEK" knows his work if you know Marc at what what Hollywood Dirt. I'd say his engines were pretty legit considering they won multiple national races and beat Dustin Wimmer.I don't have pics of his work unfortunately. I'm sifting through remnants of old conversations with other posters from long ago to see what I can find. Sucks Marc had the fall out he did with divorce and his corrupt business partner(or so I've heard).
Yea, I've heard this a lot, but I've never seen it on my blaster or my friend's blaster with Toomey pipe and filter. Not disagreeing, just saying. I had VForce Delta 2s?...I took them out, ported the stock cage, and put Boyesen Carbon Fiber Reeds on. Doesn't matter either way..I've ridden it with both.
Part of me thinks the stock 26mm bored to 30mm should be fine, but I just have this innate feeling a larger carb is what is holding it back. Contemplating purchasing a used 34mm 250R carb or just some general 33-35 Keihen(I can never spell that) carb and trying it out just to check it out and see. I've got quite a bit of torque and it pulls pretty hard through 1st through 3rd, but the 14tooth front sprocket kicks in and the gearing starts to slowly atone for less. If the 13 tooth was on there and it was offroad, it would rip through gears like no other. Quite torquey and responsive, which is one reason I just get the feeling the carb needs to be bigger. And yes, the jetting is spot on. I jetted it and it's spot on, had a Yama tech confirm it, and my friend confirm it by taking plug chops at each 1/4 of the throttle. I'm real picky about having jetting perfect.
well as you can tell by the huge FLOTEK sticker on my quad im a big fan of his work and if he says your guy does good work then im sure he does. i guess i dont know what to tell ya man, get a new carb and try but i dont think its gonna be the night and day differance you are looking for but mabey because yours is bored out so far its causeing problems. :-/ :-/. good luck dude
here's my old blaster w/a flotek ported CT top end, 3mil crank and a stock trans. It ran 5.3 all day long. It's the same blaster that in my avatar. 38mm keihen, vf3, power pros pipe, ect, ect..... your setup is key, you could the best port work in world w/stock parts backing it up and prolly be slower than stock. 99lrd, you need to go w/ a 35mm air striker, some vf3's, and an open air filter. The LRD pipe works well, but a good oof pipe will prolly net you about 1.5 to 2 tenths in 300'. In your gearing you could prolly go 15 & 38 on a 20" tire. lower the front, stretch the swinger & go rip that ex a new one!! and by the way you can make a blaster outrun any stock atv, I know because we have done it!! YouTube - Yamaha Blaster takes Can am @ busco drag
NYPD Ford Econoline............ Had Da Advantage Tho It Was Snowin