what do yall think

mud runner

Jan 19, 2012
leabnon TN
lucky i cant play sick or anything i have only left school like a total for 4 times in my 3 years at the middle school they all know me because they are my study hall aids and we dont have a nurse all the time because my principle is a doctor and i dont like seeing all them because they have a attitude like whats wrong with you now and its like whatever
lucky i cant play sick or anything i have only left school like a total for 4 times in my 3 years at the middle school they all know me because they are my study hall aids and we dont have a nurse all the time because my principle is a doctor and i dont like seeing all them because they have a attitude like whats wrong with you now and its like whatever

Speedemon17, you really have to stick with school until you get that punctuation thing down pat, man! :)

You know, as boring as you may find school, it does lead to good things.
Over the years I have been paid to go shooting, help develop rifles and scopes, and modify machines.
A few years of pain in school mean a lot of years of gain in really good jobs.
Even better, post secondary school is where the fun starts.
Get all the math and english stuff in high school, then follow what you love in college.
You will like the money too.

Ha, Ha, Ha ! I was the student they wished would be sick or skipping :D :o Always on the edge. Of coarse I was visited by the Board of Education on a regular basis I:I
I've done stuff like that before in the past, but it took so much time and effort I don't think I'd ever do it again. I think you did a good job man!