trimmed fender


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
well i had a shot at trimming my front fender.. its not spot on at the mo cus ive still got a little touching up to do, im also thinking about eather modding the back end or tryin to fit raptor rear set on.

heres what it looks like so far



thats the look im goin for mate... i just got the basic shape with the dremil and now just gotta touch it up with sand paper
theyre pretty sick. but i would round them as well. and trim the backs a little, or get the yzf450 style plastics for the blaster that maiers making now.
yeah ive been lookin at that i might just get a maier front hood aswell not sure yet tho
lol you guys think you got a mud problem, i have NO front fenders lol. i just found out recently, buddy that sold me it, it had no front fenders, but he also hacked off the fender mounts. anyone know if the miaer race hood can mount up without those stock fender mounts?