To Clear Things Up

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New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Ok, well with the aftermath of last nights war going on the forum is so testy now. It seems as if soon there will be a war between supporters and non supporters. This is not what the forum is about it is no where near close to what it was created for. This is a site for blaster riders who want to learn more and discuss shared interests, lately the forum seems to have gotten away from that. With the server problem not helping the situation at all.
Please let this be a rational conversation no arguing just talkig things over to avoid Blaster Forum War II
People just need to change their attitudes, stop talking behind others and then trying to kiss ass later. I find it rather funny. As far as this whole age thing goes, I find it even funnier how us kids act more adult then the older ones! I do agree that the server and what not is causing an uproar though. Some people just need to get that this is a PUBLIC forum and people will not get along with other people. As far as postings and such, some need to think before they post.
this place has been testy for the last 3 or so months.... its been nothin but a bunch of immature whiney asses and I'm fed up with it... If it doesn't end blasterforum has lost a member... I'm not going to deal with this bs anymore.

Grow up people.. think before you post, not after.

A 16 year old shouldn't have to say that.
Guys please keep the posts free of swear words. I want this thread to be kept clean. You both make good points though. Also relating back to what Blasterdude27 said these arguements are driving people away from the forum.
People just need to change their attitudes, stop talking behind others and then trying to kiss ass later. I find it rather funny. As far as this whole age thing goes, I find it even funnier how us kids act more adult then the older ones! I do agree that the server and what not is causing an uproar though. Some people just need to get that this is a PUBLIC forum and people will not get along with other people. As far as postings and such, some need to think before they post.

I gotta agree with you. A LOT of 15-16 year olds on this forum are much more mature than others. I think people should just act their age and think about what they're going to say before posting. Sometimes causes a bunch of crap that's completely uncalled for. I understand sometimes adults want to be funny and others also, but it's kind of getting to the point where it's driving our site traffic away.
Anyone who looks at anyone else because they are not a supporting member does nothing but weaken the continuity between some very valuable people who make this forum as great as it is. If I were to see supporting members putting down or mistreating people because they are not in a position to donate then I assure you I will intervene, and there will be consequenses.

There are thousands of members on this forum with thousands of financial circumstances, and many simply cannot afford to donate. People need to give it a rest !

Those who can give do give those who cannot simply don't. If there are people in a situation to afford the supporting membership that do not then that is their choice as well. It is no one elses business but that persons.

I personally will not tolerate people looking down on another member for any reason including their inability to support this forum. This is a public forum that many choose to support and I for one... Thank you all. For those who regular here and do not/ cannot support I thank you all as well for doing your part making this forum as great as it is...

EVERY member here supporting or non supporting have given alot to this forum and make it what it is.
this discussion was 86'd by freek for a reason, to kill it, but i see you guys dont wanna let it die??? and Blasterdude14 i'm still waitin for your paypal info, so i can transfer $10 to it,so you can pay the memeber fee, since i insulted you last nite????
Anyone who looks at anyone else because they are not a supporting member does nothing but weaken the continuity between some very valuable people who make this forum as great as it is. If I were to see supporting members putting down or mistreating people because they are not in a position to donate then I assure you I will intervene, and there will be consequenses.

There are thousands of members on this forum with thousands of financial circumstances, and many simply cannot afford to donate. People need to give it a rest !

Those who can give do give those who cannot simply don't. If there are people in a situation to afford the supporting membership that do not then that is their choice as well. It is no one elses business but that persons.

I personally will not tolerate people looking down on another member for any reason including their inability to support this forum. This is a public forum that many choose to support and I for one... Thank you all. For those who regular here and do not/ cannot support I thank you all as well for doing your part making this forum as great as it is...

EVERY member here supporting or non supporting have given alot to this forum and make it what it is.

Very well said with the supporting/non-supporting!
Look I don't mean to get in the middle of this but I came here because i know i can get alot of good advice from the members here who have the same quad and same problems as me. Also if i can help someone out along the way than i will try to aswell, just my .02
like somone in BOTM says, i'm voting for ther supporting member just casue he supports, cmon, i'm not gonna name any names unless he names himself, but it maked me angry, not everybody has the money, i know its ten bux, but there are lots of things 10 bux can buy, and for me, well, i'm just a kid, i have no winter job, just one in the summer, so settle down guys, lets not battle anymore, use this site for what it was made for, putting info about blasters and 2 strokes, or just anyother quad, do't battle about this stupid crap.
this discussion was 86'd by freek for a reason, to kill it, but i see you guys dont wanna let it die??? and Blasterdude14 i'm still waitin for your paypal info, so i can transfer $10 to it,so you can pay the memeber fee, since i insulted you last nite????

Awk you did not insult me last night just ticked me off because you called me out. I brought this topic up because in the chatbox there was some arguing going on in the chatbox between a supporter and non supporter I just want to get the situation cleared up before it happens again
I think all members on this forum is supporting members whether with money or with their knowledge about blaster's and other things that the members of this forum need helps with. we should all share our knowledge, abilities,and things that we have but no longer need to help people that needs this knowledge ability and ^ that. ok i'm done with my Martin Luther King Jr speech
Awk you did not insult me last night just ticked me off because you called me out. I brought this topic up because in the chatbox there was some arguing going on in the chatbox between a supporter and non supporter I just want to get the situation cleared up before it happens again

just let it die then, and pm me that paypal info, i aint jokin!!!!!!
ok no fights here i never got to say anything last night.. but if us non supporters leave and the fee costs to much to new people to find the info they need your just gonna drive them away and the forum will die.. my .02 cents
If my memory serves me correctly the problem we had last night did not originate from supporters bashing non supporters. I believe the whole thing started because the question was asked if we would be for or against a raise in supporting member fees. And as we discussed what changes could be made to coincide with this raise alot of non supporters ( not bashing just stating facts) were very upset with the fact that they might have something taken away from them. Now I supported because I felt it was a good site. I have gotten good info from supporting and non supporting members alike. I understand some folks cant give. I get that, but I also know that this world is full of free loaders who without an incentive to do so, will never give a dime. I know there was alot of bashing back and forth, with reason no one wants to feel cheated on either end. I want results for my money and others don't wanna lose what they have for free now. Make a decision admin and let the cards fall where they may thats my opinion.
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