Thinkin about Pickin up an 88 Blasty Tonight what do ya guys think?

Amen to that Lol Me and the boy went riding for a lil bit I took a few pics







My Wife is gonna flip her wig when she see's the Van LmAo I:I And it stinks like gas. Im thinkin about tradin her for my Olds 88 With some dropped handle bars that blaster was made to fit in there :)

Good Times Good Times. Im happy the weather is breaking and the trails are all ready to be ripped. My Son had a BLAST he has never been to Yellow Creek before today. 7 Years old Bout the same age I was first time I went ridding :D
By the Way theres a picture of my new shock covers lmao ! There Screwed Im gonna bring em in a throw them in the washer with our clothes but the looks pretty stained. I knew i should got the black ones haha
Oh Yea Since that kids pissed me off lol I decided to have my buddie call him.. He asked a bunch of questions and Asked the kid for the VIN number.. The kids says he is gonna call back in a lil while with the numbers. He asked why he wanted it and he said it was to figure out what engine and year lmao But long story short my brothers best friend is a cop and Im gonna have him run the VIN because the kis was just straight shady !