sucker punching

although i dont condone stabbing someone, you do it and youve got a reputation as a nut case which is good as no one f*cks with you
ive only had to be in like 3 one on ones in my life due to just going mental when fighting and bouncing all over the guys face
ive been to quite a few gang fights where its 30 on 30 too,now they were crazy
although im not into that sh*t now its pretty stupid
Get him the way Canadians do it, you tell him to meet you behind Tim Horton's (starbucks) dont bring his pussy ass friends, you go one on one, no witnesses, no video, a good fair fight, his bruises and black eyes will tell the story themselves.

ive been in 3 fistfights in my life, and so far i'm 3-0, one was the result of him bullying me for years till i snapped and dislocated hid jaw, the second i got cheapshotted, the kid thought i was staying down, i fought him man to man, he walked away with a nice shiner and i came out with a broken hand from his forehead. and the third one was a clutch and grab hockey fight, i got one punch in and we both lost our balance, i landed on top.

if your going to fight him, do it like a real man, face to face, no backup, no BS, just fists faces and fury
he said

so I said ^^^biotch fagget pussy^^^

he said he didnt care so I thought what the heck might as well take advantage

ya right after you siad you were jk and he said u could i went through and looked, then i seen it like i said he musta slipped in there while i was typein, guess thats what happens when yer a slow typer
you got me by a few years but you can't tell me that back in our time's if you got sucker puched and did nothing about it that people wouldnt pick on you just cause the know your not going to do anything.. i agree that fighting is childish but at one point in your life you have to make a stand for yourself or you will be stepped on you whole life.. oh and to clear that up i was saying that you would be considered a puss im not calling you one thats just how the thinking of the others are going to be..

305 we're cool man i knew what you were saying lol. wasnt taking any offense to it my quad brother was just saying there were other ways to get around it but if the dudes in your face startin sh*t you do have to take care of it or you look like a biotch. but on the other hand i know how the fights in high school were always about dumb sh*t too. best fight i ever saw (thank god i wasnt in it) was 2 girls beat the sh*t out of each other when i was in 8th grade. 2 heavyset (160-180) girls going to town on each other with fists not slapping. the one girl got the other down and started taking her fist and hitting the girl in the head. you could hear her head thumping off the ground. and at the end of it it was a fight over a guy. a guy that i was friends with that would'nt have touched either one of them with a 10 foot pole and everyone knew it. stupid. but entertaining. i was 6'2" 195 when i graduated so honestly i didnt get messed with too much but before i got big i had problems like every other kid and i never ever got a knife. kids dont friggin stab someone over some dumb high school stuff. Jesus wtf is wrong with kids today? In 10 years you wont even know where 5% of those kids wound up in life lol
every now and then theres a few good ones round here but not often jist a buncha girls rasin cain bout some stupid text or sumpin, it's fun to watch em tho
lol, just forget it dude, unless u catch him outta school, and if ur calling him a puss for doin it, why would u turn around and do it back? dont be cheap, just walk up to him and show him whats up to his face! Reminds me of when i was in 7th grade, i hit a fat kid in the face with a football and he tried pulling my hair then he hit me once and i got him once and then the whistle where blowin and the teachers where running after us! It was the gayest fight ever, then when i lived in columbus i got jumped by 3 black kids that took my damn cigs! lol and i had one good fight one day after school when i was a sophmore, other than my brothers thats the only fights iv ever been in!
im lying?
thats what made me so non-confrontational
after like a year in and out of court and different homes, and now im back home. sorta and alot of goddamn money. i learned my lesson
soo, what its going to come down to is hes paying my hospital bills for my knees because my knee has been hurt 3 times before, so it got hurt again. so theres that. and i had to have new braces.. so theres 8gs..
All you tough talking kids are probably actually the ones that get beat up on a regular basis... If you are really that tough you don't need to go onto a forum of faceless names, and brag about how tough you really are...

And to the tough kid who stabbed someone... I call BS ! Prove it or you are just one of those tough talkers trying to impress a bunch of faceless people on a forum.. I want to see the police report on that one to believe it ! Because unless you are typing this from juvinile detention then you are probably lying !

After we are done with this thread I will start a new one describing in detail the 104 men I killed in Desert Storm with my bare hands while they were all gang rushing me !

Come on this thread is getting ridiculous ! !

If you got sucker punched man up and take care of it... You don't need a bunch of other juviniles chiming in to share their BS stories... Those that talk tough are usually the biggest panzies trying to hide behind words..