sucker punching


New Member
Sep 6, 2008
if your sitting having lunch minding your own business talking to your friends and next thing you know u just got punched in the side of the face and knocked off your chair, onto the floor, and your getting beat on. got hit so hard my lips got stuck in my braces.

i couldnt fight back, does that mean i lost the fight?.. cuz in my book it wasnt a fight. it was a suckerpunch!

which makes him a weeenie!
Lol no. If you ask me thats a cheap shot. When the kid who did it is minding his own business come up behind him and punch him in the face, then when hes on the floor, call him a pussy.
na u see, my dad just came home from the army, he went in talk to both the VP and the principal. of both the sr high and jr high this kids an 8th grader im 9th, they said that if i wanna beat his face in, theyll look the other way, i said naw forget it..ill just torture him. ill follow him arround keep reminding him im going to get him sooner or later, and ill just feed off that. lol..about 13 of my friends are going to go beat his ass when he goes and walks around town.. so im ok..
No offense but if you go punched by an eighth grade thats sad. And 2 if your going to have your friends fight an eighth grader thats just straight up stupid, why not solve the problem your self? I just hate when people need other people to do the dirty work.
i dont need other people to solve my problems, im a non confrontational person. i mean yea of course when he gets off suspension im gonna go sit by him while hes eating and as soon as he takes a bite ill punch him right in the face. and then fxcking stomp his ass.. but after that my friends r gonna do w/e they want..i told them not to
ha, i think all ill do is get one good one, and lay him out. kick the ribs..hard and then spit ..then go sit down and have lunch
na dude, just a few good ones. he made my mouth look like hamburger, from my ill just make his look like baloons
na dude, just a few good ones. he made my mouth look like hamburger, from my ill just make his look like baloons

sorry to hear that man .. but yea if you dont do anything then your gonna be considered a puss. and if you do your going to get in the same trouble he did.. so id meet him off school grounds and handle it..
reading this thread made me feel really old. im so old i can remember when people were in a fight it was one on one not 12 on one. nowadays 12 kids come and beat up 1 kid and the 1 kid is a puss. screwed up. back then whether you won or lost you were'nt called a puss unless you didnt show up to fight. not agreeing with all of this because fighting is dumb and the fact that the teachers want to look the other way says either theyre dumb or the kids a screw up. either way id just avoid him. other ways to mess with him without getting into trouble muahahaha
yea honestly idc what ppl say about me a biotch fagget pussy least i aint such a biotch i gotta sucker punch someone..
ya i have earn my rep by fightin back now nobody even threatens me, and i guess another reason is that people say my arms are massive and so that maybe part of it too.
I remember back in high school there was this one senior in my class, Jed something or other. He was the smallest senior in the class an I was the smallest junior so he decided to try and start trouble with me. One day we had a substitute and we were all just goofing off Jed decided to walk straight up and biotch slapped me (with out reason or warning) in the middle of the electronics lab (I took electronics in vocational school). In return I stood face to face with him grabbed him by both shoulders and head butted him as hard as I could. While we both shared the pain of the head butt he got KTFO and all I got was a knot on my head. The sub looked up from reading his news paper and said "float like a butterfly sting like a bee" and then continued to read his paper. Jed eventually got up off the floor and tried to act like I was the one who gave the cheap shot. Everyone saw the slap though so he just ended up being humiliated. Teddy Roosevelt once said "speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far" in other words, dont start sh*t, and dont take sh*t.
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