i was coming back to my inlaws yesturday from the grocery store, and i turned onto a street that had an apartment complex on the corner. As i started on the street, i went right by the entrance, and a black guy came running like crazy out of the entrance and down the sidewalk in the direction i was driving...i was doing 25 and he was keeping up, i started pulling ahead, and i looked over my shoulder a little again, and i saw him reach in his black jacket and pull out a 9mm. I ducked down onto my passenger seat (thank god my wife was not with me) and i heard POP..POP. I could hear the bullets hitting my truck. i droped a gear while i was ducked down and got the hell out of there. I couldnt get 911 dialed on my phone till i was basically at my inlaws house wich was like less than a mile away. He shot at me twice, one bullet went into the tailgate, and didnt come out the other side, and the other one went into the back of my cab right below the window and stoped when it got into the headrest of my driver seat where it rested on a bracket... right behind where my head would have been if i was sitting up. The cops were crawling around everywhere looking for him, but i dont think they caught him. The forensic guy (im guessing thats what he was) came and i pulled the seat cover off my seat and he took the bullet out (solid 9mm slug). Best guess is that he was trying to jack my truck....if you live in raleigh nc...be carefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!