Selling blaster for warrior? Good idea?

I'm thinkin bout selling the 94 blaster that I put together from a rolling chassis for something the next size bigger like a warrior .

I would rather slap my penis with a brick repeatedly then to do that.

You do know that some people enjoy that. They call it brick banging! :o
Hey I knew nothin bout the warriors ok! Whole point of making this thread was to find out about them lol, ill do some Craigslist searching later tonight on bikes, just don't wana spend much on something right now but wana upgrade before winter
Haha I know u guys are just messin with me, just wouldn't of guessed that the warrior was worse, ill look for a cheaper z400 and hope I can find one, then down to an ex, then 250r. Ill probly end up keepin the blaster and get it ported and rechambered
The Warrior is a good quad to just jump on and ride around. No real speed or handling. The Z400 is what I would try for the the 400 ex will be cheaper in most cases and is a more reliable quad.
Yea not many around in my area for sale for a decent price. Think I may end up keeping mine an send it in to KOR and then get it rechambered. Orrrrr I might buy my buddy's blaster that he had slightly bored out an shaved ported blah blah. He raced ovals with it for 5 years then sent it in to KOR and got a 38 carb got it tuned and then quit. Just needs a clutch. It's crazy fast until you hit fourth and it starts slipping more and more every gear, 5 years of racing on that clutch then the added power. Just gotta talk him into it

And what about the older Honda 250rs, saw a few pop up on Craigslist, never seen one around here
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I used to have a warrior, i rebuilt the top end and put a full exhaust on it. it felt like it had decent power but it was probably slower than a stock blaster. ill more then likely never own another one. Ive got a stock 400ex right now and i ride it more than anything else, to me its the funnest atv to ride and play on. Ive rode a few z400, and kfx400 and they are faster but more top heavy. another thing to keep in mind with the 400s is with the z,dvx or kfx when it comes time for a top end rebuild u will have to get the cylinder replated or buy a new cylinder but with the 400ex u can bore that cylinder basically itd be cheaper to rebuild the 400ex
Yea I couldn't fine a decent 400ex around here cheaper than 1800. I may start saving up right now and send the motor out to KOR and have some stuff done to it, not sure yet tho. I'm keepin an eye out for a deal right now and if there's a shop that people have used that is amazing let me know!
A 2stroke forum might not be the best place to ask about replacing one with a 4stroke, you are sure to get bias answers mostly with little to no facts.

First off the warrior and blaster last time i checked both do about 60mph stock, a google search will suggest the warrior is slightly faster top speed and you have the obvious problem of not being able to keep that 2stroke pinned and going balls out without blowing it up. Yes the blaster is faster off the line but that doesnt mean a warrior doesnt have some balls. Yamaha puts the same motor in a few other quads including the 350 raptor and i believe 350 grizzly? im sure somebody will correct me if im wrong, point is its a very proven motor And you wont have a hard time finding parts if need be.

It really comes down to where and how your riding. If you want to constantly beat your buddies off the line the blaster is better. If you want a extremely reliable trail quad that goes much farther on one tank of gas and wont have heat issues the warrior is better all day.

Before you blaster boys start bashing please know i have a warrior, blaster, banshee, and a 1988 lt250r as well as a handful of dirt bikes. I ride them all but as i said if im going out on the trails the warrior is always a better choice for me its proven to be the most reliable.
A 2stroke forum might not be the best place to ask about replacing one with a 4stroke, you are sure to get bias answers mostly with little to no facts.

First off the warrior and blaster last time i checked both do about 60mph stock, a google search will suggest the warrior is slightly faster top speed and you have the obvious problem of not being able to keep that 2stroke pinned and going balls out without blowing it up. Yes the blaster is faster off the line but that doesnt mean a warrior doesnt have some balls. Yamaha puts the same motor in a few other quads including the 350 raptor and i believe 350 grizzly? im sure somebody will correct me if im wrong, point is its a very proven motor And you wont have a hard time finding parts if need be.

It really comes down to where and how your riding. If you want to constantly beat your buddies off the line the blaster is better. If you want a extremely reliable trail quad that goes much farther on one tank of gas and wont have heat issues the warrior is better all day.

Before you blaster boys start bashing please know i have a warrior, blaster, banshee, and a 1988 lt250r as well as a handful of dirt bikes. I ride them all but as i said if im going out on the trails the warrior is always a better choice for me its proven to be the most reliable.

good solid answer I:I
iv heard the z400 have to have the valves adjusted a lot and I raced a warrior with a bbk and a stage 2 cam and I walked away from it with my blaster and if I was gonna get a 4 poke id get a 400ex because there pretty quick and you cant hardly kill one of them
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