same bike hmmm wonder who it is??

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heis a d*** who needs a life and got banned for it,same with jshockey(or gsxc 2.0), he changed his ip, he is psycho he has left creepy messages to mods that banned him, i hope he never comes back cause i can smell scum very well, they stink.
I like how he tried to slap it back together real fast, notice there is no exhaust, front bumper or rear grab bar?
ha, funny, i saw the bumper and exhaust part and thought nothin of it, its a +5 egay swinger, enough said, ths thread is now useless, exept to bash him!, muhahahahaha
how come YB and Blasterdude got all the credit, im the one who put together that it was him with the facts that he said he was in the military and the "new guy" said he lived on the military base and i put to get her the fact that he said his home state was VA and the "new guy" said he live there.......and im the one who orginally started pointing put PARTS that was on his bike that MATCHED the "new guys" bike

oh and i was the first one to say "this guy seems familar like a former member and thats when YB made the thread, so i think i should get some credit too ...that was said in the chat box

i mean its not that big of a deal but just saying how every one went crazy for YB and Blaster dude, and heck "Cootees" was in on it too
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