same bike hmmm wonder who it is??

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It's sad this mofo needs to do sh*t like this.YB nice eye bro,makes you even more mad knowing they try and pull this sh*t.Especially after screwing you over.Probably his plan from the get go,become friends then screw someone over.Then when he does a rebuild he can start a new account and play us all.What a big bag of duesche liquid is.This just pusts icing on the cake!!
It's sad this mofo needs to do sh*t like this.YB nice eye bro,makes you even more mad knowing they try and pull this sh*t.Especially after screwing you over.Probably his plan from the get go,become friends then screw someone over.Then when he does a rebuild he can start a new account and play us all.What a big bag of duesche liquid is.This just pusts icing on the cake!!

its pathetic ..........................
yb for mod fellas..


IP BAN..MODS please make sure its the same ip.. if hes dynamic "like me" he will have another ip in a month or so..

if this is the case.. i would contact his isp and let them know whats going on.. ive had to do this before.. most isp's are happy to help. they will flag the bf forums to his account so he cant return....ever.

see ya thief.. good riddance

Verizon is easy to deal with.. just need forums owner to contact them.. he wont be able to see as much as the gives them an error when trying to log on.
can i be a blasterforum security, i have seeked out gsxc, once and will help keep a look out for this other f-er and stuff, YB for mod though, he is always on here why not, lets do a poll,eh?
Now that i think of it...liquid did ask me about lime green powder coating once? How much my rates would be and such...but same color as the frame and what not.
Nice job YB but if you guys look his front tires were bald down the center before the rebuild, and now he has good front tires. Idk why he would buy stock fronts again? What a d-bag though.
Nice job YB but if you guys look his front tires were bald down the center before the rebuild, and now he has good front tires. Idk why he would buy stock fronts again? What a d-bag though.

I would say the tires are exactly the same.If you look good you can tell.
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