same bike hmmm wonder who it is??

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hahaha talked about owned... this guys just wants to be a part of the bf community but dude u f*cked ur chances on that one.. they tryed to have u man up and do what was right but u failed to do so.. next time u make a new acct. make sure u dont post up pics of ur same quad haha. f*ckin loser.. its a small world... btw nicccceee find on that one yb saving people alotta hassle with that one.. rep givin
hahaha "i cant stop lol-ing" lmfao thats funny.. this guy liquid needs to go sumwhere and get a life.. a theif is one thing but a internet theif? commmonnnnn like COMMMMOONNNNN dude anyone can steal over the internet and i bet he thinks hes tuff sh*t.. hes prolly a scrawny 24 y.o that sits online all day that weighs 125 lbs. wet... i say we find out where he lives whoever is closest takes a visit to his house. record us beating the sh*t out of him. and call it a day : )
hahaha "i cant stop lol-ing" lmfao thats funny.. this guy liquid needs to go sumwhere and get a life.. a theif is one thing but a internet theif? commmonnnnn like COMMMMOONNNNN dude anyone can steal over the internet and i bet he thinks hes tuff sh*t.. hes prolly a scrawny 24 y.o that sits online all day that weighs 125 lbs. wet... i say we find out where he lives whoever is closest takes a visit to his house. record us beating the sh*t out of him. and call it a day : )

Blaster Forum Mafia: we would f*ck him upB)
You have been publicly and officaly.....

i hate these type of dude's, they just keep tryin, just like the F-er jshockey(gsxc), they just ruin it, i wish they would just go die in a ole cause i could care less about them!!!!, and their freakin theif family!
not that my voice has much say but..

YB for blasterforums security!!!!

Seriously though why havent you tried to be an admin or modd?

he was onto this guy like a thong on a fat check... in it and all over it lol..

good catch man

what a douche seriously ppl like you should be drug behind a truck across concrete and railroad tracks for a long period of time..
Cant man up...REFUSES to man up.. Seriously i pitty your kids IF you truly have any..OR was that another excuse?? i wouldnt let you be a role model to a ken doll much less a kid..
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha god liquid why in the hell are u tryin to comeback again?????? yb for mod!!!!! yb for mod!!!!!!!! yb for mod!!!!!!! d to damn bag! ahahahahahahahaha f off no one likes ya....... i gave ya a nice introduction too! seriously if your arent liquid disregard this comment!!!! do i smell a ban?
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