resident evil 5

hahaha yea i bought it the night it came out i didnt think it was that bad but i had it beat in a couple of days now it just sits with all the other games I dont play anymore
I played the demo of this game and hated it. Then something possessed me to buy it, and I actually really got into it. It's much better if you play online with a friend, imo, I'm big into getting all the achievements for games (360), so it's easier to obtain them with a friend.
I agree about the story though, the whole African theme was kinda weird, nothing like what it used to be.
yea the story sucked., i got into the game alot and having my cousin playing as well helped alot b.c i could yell at him to heal me and sh*t. but idk im trading it tomorrow lol
if you want zombies buy COD5 or left for dead 2.
god damn everybody is talking about video games on this forum now i wish i had my 360 back lol