Rebuilding two blasters

got the bottom end and top end back together for the white and gold one. goin to do a leak down test and compression test then put the rest together and it should be done. got the front wheels painted for the black and green one and they look GOOD. pics soon
finally got time to get the motor all together. keep forgetting to get pics of my sweet rims tho lol. should get the one blaster completely done tonight then i can finish up on the other
just got in from the first blaster run. i made it about 4 feet and the light blew out and the carb overflows, but nothing to major. it seemed to run pretty strong altho its hard to tell in the dark on ice and snow. hopefully tomarrow i can figure out the lights and carb, im just happy the motors good.
yea i figured something was up with the floats. and im thinking the voltage regulator is probably bad
messed with the float last night and it set for 20 minutes and not one drop. then i started it up and within 30 seconds it was leaking again. thought that was kinda weird, guess i got more adjusting to do. and the voltage regulator is bad. gets 13v at idol and jumps up to 30v when its reved
Thanks Ken and Braaaptor for the tips ill be sure and think of that as im working on it in about 3 minutes lol. And thanks guys for the comments. The first plan was to paint the raptor plastics and use them on the black and green blaster but as i was looking for a gas tank cover i found the black s.e rear fenders cheap so i had to get them...we all know how that goes lol. Then i decided to use yfz front fenders since i have a yfz parts bike anyways but they are being a pain to get looking the way i want them. i have been working on the black and green one whenever im waiting on parts for the other one but now that i got all the parts for it i havent even touched the black and green one. hopefully soon i can get some new pics up, by the time i leave the shop at 3 im to tired to remember to take pics lol
Nice bikes! I envy you, I have no time to finish my build at all.
im wearing myself out with these. goin to bed at 3am and then getting up at 7am uselly 6 days in a row. i sleep till like 1 on sundays tho lol. i need to slack off a little bit but i just cant!!!!! lol
got the carb problem fixed. the needle was worn out. altho it looked fine i put a different one in it just to see if it would help and it fixed it. i put a different voltage regulator on it and its still doing the same thing so i either have two bad regulators or maybe something else in the wiring is bad. havent got it figured out yet but hopefully i will tonight or tomorrow and hopefully get some ride time on it
thanks man.i havent really got anything done on them lately, been working on other peoples fourwheelers. i was going to post up some pics of the wheels but they needed some touching up on the outside lip might get that done tonight....
Finally got some pics of the wheels. took alot of time but im happy with them
