Polaris goes Moooo!!!!

yeah we used to raise cows.....but then we ate them hhhahahah

I bottle-fed several rejected twins that became our dinner. Fact of life. Then, when I was in Advanced Placement Animal Science my senior year, we got to go to the University of Kentucky Agriculture Campus. We got to stick our hands all down in a plug that went into the stomach chambers and stuff. Got to watch one get sliced, too. Still don't see how it's more "humane" to kill cows the way they do, versus any other way...But they're tasty!I:I

Nice ride, BTW. I love Holsteins, too. Have a huge box with cow stuff in our back porch. My grandma made me a pair of cow print PJ pants, once. Think they're still in my cedar chest...
Thanks for the Rep !!!!! horns are soon to come LMFAO

Were you serious about giving it nuts, too? 'Cause if she wants horns but no nuts, it would still be an accurate depiction of a cow. Horns aren't just limited to bulls, you know. I:I
well the cowlaris is down for repairs I went riding yesterday and the pull cord stopped working and the shifter did too. Guess i will google how to fix a polaris lol. Wish me luck people.