Please Help Going on a big ride but bike dont run right!!

i flipped it upside down, then the is a ridge on the stock carb around where the gasket goes should i measure from the gasket or the ridge thing? understand what im saying? its kinda hard to explain over message.
Befofe you put the bowl back on, make sure the float is not rubbing it.
If you have been in there lots the float may have been put out of alignment just from constant handling.
remove the gasket and measure from down in that, off the ridge, right where the gasket sits
you need a flat measuring stick, the tang on the end of a tape measure makes it difficult
try making a 21mm mark on a thin flat piece of metal
and hold it like my pic shows, not upside down, that could be pressing in on the inner needle, the float should just be touching that, not compressint it
Okay awk redid it and its at 21mm.
I have made sure the float is not rubbing the bowl the seat is good no holes in the float everything and it wont fuggin stop leaking. IDk what is wrong been trying for 2.5 hours and it still wont work. If it helps its coming out of the overflow at the bottom of the bowl, not the other 2 which i think are breathers?
undo the drain screw and re tighten,
did you drain it with that to begin with ????
possibly dirt in there ???
edit............thats coming from the brass tube sticking up out of the bowl, and is where an overflowing carb will leak

check for cracked float, rattle them by your ear and listen for fluid in them, then submerge if a clear glass of fuel, look for bubbles = cracked float = replace
Little trick I actually learned on this forum. Take a Q-tip with toothpaste on it and clean/polish the float needle seat. You will be surprised at the crud that comes off. X-2 on pulling the bowl drain and check for dirt there and be sure it isn't scored up. Might just be the bowl drain leaking. To check that, with carb off, temporally plug drain, hold carb level, turn fuel on. If it comes out elsewhere in carb, float is still leaking. If not, then it is just drain leaking.
I put on the white bike needle seat and bowl and i havent seen a drip for a few minutes and before it would run a full flow. so if i go back out side and no drip ill put it together and see what i get. Please stay on so i can have further asstistance if need lmao.