nitro rc truck

Nitro cars are a pain in the a$$ that's why i have a few off them :D

I have
Hpi RS4 for drifting - A very cool toy :D
Kyosho Mad force for off roading
Traxxas Revo for more offroading

and a load of electric cars.

But yeah it will be best to go with a good brand, Because i have spent a hell of alot of money on them and if they wasnt good makes they would be in a land fill some where.
If you are going to get a rc truck get a t-maxx unbreakable I beat the piss out of mine and it hardly breaks. You could get a nice used one for like $200.

True that! I had a t-maxx for a couple years and that thing was bulletproof. I drove that thing through everything. I plasti-dipped the servos and I was good to go. That's the only mod I did to it. Fun as hell! But all my friends sold theirs so I did too.