Nicest Quad On The Forum

I'm kinda fond of this one :p

yeah ur killer bee is awsome too
I vote for paulies, built not bought, and pretty wild flowers in the background capped it.

Oh do any of you guys still own a blaster with all the 4strokes you guys are posting????
I'm kinda fond of this one :p

well being that this is blaster forum, i feel morally and ethically compelled to say that i cannot vote a 4 stroke lol.....and to me, "the nicest quad on the forum" is one that has had time alot of time, thought and attention to detail.....anyone can buy a sh*t ton of AM parts and bolt them on but then u have the same quad as the guy next to you, paulies blasty is the perfect example of 1 of the many of the "nicest quads on the forum"
Didnt know how much people liked my raptor. Thanks dudes. Im a 4 stroke dude and still have a blaster. I gotta say PB and Freeks. Like freek said anyone can just bolt parts and just pay money to have someone do your dirty work. They actually get down and do work not saying some of you dont.