Nicest Quad On The Forum

that's basic geometry say you have point X=====Y

now compare that to this X===============Y

move "X" up or down , a 3 inch movement on the longer X=Y will yeild less of a change in angle. Jump and the bumper of your bike, the tires slide outwards (scub). On Sundahls bike (I have jumped on the bumper) there is 17" of travel with virtually ZERO scrub.

This makes the suspension much smoother and more compliant.
That makes alot of sense, I never really had that explained to me before. Thank you.
i like mine....but TJ has one SICK 450r.....and BB has one SICK 660....but ive got the best looking 400ex soo im content with that......ahahaha i think there are only like 3 or 4 people with a 400ex on here
i like mine....but TJ has one SICK 450r.....and BB has one SICK 660....but ive got the best looking 400ex soo im content with that......ahahaha i think there are only like 3 or 4 people with a 400ex on here

i guess i actually have too take pics of my ex because the one i have sucks. my bike is alot cleaner, and runs correctly.
so what are u saying...mine doesnt run correctly?....and from ur avatar.....urs isnt anything special...not even close to mine
hahhah we wont hi jack the thread...but if he gets me pics tomorrow im gona make a thread and poll for people to vote on whos looks better, and it will be settled, and me and him can stop talking crap to each other
hahhah we wont hi jack the thread...but if he gets me pics tomorrow im gona make a thread and poll for people to vote on whos looks better, and it will be settled, and me and him can stop talking crap to each other

i remember u saying how urs smoked because it has bad rings. but whatever i said the pics look like sh*t, and it was a far away photo and it was dirty.
the last thing we need is a 400ex debate, because then it will somehow turn into a 2 vs 4 debate and we can forget about this thread
excuse me guys but my 09 can am ds450x is the nicest on the forum brand new.........dont no how to post pics but Ill change my ava
excuse me guys but my 09 can am ds450x is the nicest on the forum brand new.........dont no how to post pics but Ill change my ava

im in my backyard in this vid thats why i have no helment on.......but here is a alittle vid of the can am..........I now have a full ron woods exhaust,k@n filter,flexx handle bars,pink wire mod
im in my backyard in this vid thats why i have no helment on.......but here is a alittle vid of the can am..........I now have a full ron woods exhaust,k@n filter,flexx handle bars,pink wire mod

what vid??? and post pics of it so we can be the judges, it has tj's race ready 450r to compete against and thats tough boy... use to upload em.
I'm kinda fond of this one :p