New Pipe Cleaned with foil.

Feb 6, 2014
Hey guys got the pipe in today and I cleaned it with foil. I was amazed at the results still have a little more cleaning and want to polish. Heres some photos

Let me know what you think.
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I have spent about a hour on it. I am going to work on it a little more and mount it up tomorrow. I am hoping I see a difference over stock
the one at the inlet of the expansion chamber, where it meets the cylinder is for an Exhaust spring where it meets the flange that bolts to the cylinder exhaust port.. The one on the fat part of the pipe on top is where it mounts to bike..
If you want to take even more of the RUST off! Get a can of Coke and pour a little on a micro fiber cloth and rub .
Nice job. That pipe came along way. I used some naval jelly on mine. Didn't seem to hurt the finish any. Mine was pretty bad and lots of pitting, but you cant do much about the pitting. Some mothers and a powerball makes it shine nicely
Dont don't put wax on a plated pipe it will burn and darken it Instead put a light coat of WD -40 on it . If you wash youre Blaster before you dry it spray a light coat of WD 40 over the whole thing wipe off excess . It will help disperse the water off the Blaster and leave a protective coating on everything. The next time you ride mud and dirt wil be easier to wash off. Old school Dirt track trick to keep the lime they use on flat tracks from eating you paint off.
I have looked on ebay and found nothing. I received the head pipe and silencer power core 2. I was told to put the flange on and use original hardware to mount up new pipe with the new flange. The stock pipe does not have a spring on it. What would you guys suggest I was hoping to mount this up in the morning. I am now wondering if I am missing anything else.