new fourwheeler!!


New Member
Apr 22, 2009
little hick town in Ontario, Canada
my bro just traded his 1994 yz80 for a 1990 yamaha warrior. the yz ran but needed a new crank and all that sh*t. we just told him it needed a topend. the warriors engine is f***ed. but there are lots of sheap engines on ebay. my dads cousin is gonna buy one for us cuz he lives in the states and its cheaper shipping plus they dont ship to canada anyway. he comin up here in may and hes gonna bring us an engine and we'll pay him back. it really nice looking and i think it was a great trade. the only pic i have right now is the one in my sig. i'll get mor later
there not bad bike,i have one in my its beat to hell bc thats what we let ppl use when they come riding and just learn..haha.
cool...I have a 2000 warrior...i would see if you could swap out the square style lights for the newer round ones. Then you could get the eye ball covers...
My brother had a Warrior back in the day, it was alright. And congrats on lying to the guy you traded with by telling him the 80 only needed a top end when the entire engine was messed up.
And congrats on lying to the guy you traded with by telling him the 80 only needed a top end when the entire engine was messed up.

Yeah ... that was a very impressive move there . ( world needs more folks like that around like we need World War III )

But , ya know what they say ...
what goes around , comes around ;)
cool stuff. dont care for the fact you lied about the yz, but w/e. you should be happy w/ the wardog. i like mine.
my bro just traded his 1994 yz80 for a 1990 yamaha warrior. the yz ran but needed a new crank and all that sh*t. we just told him it needed a topend. the warriors engine is f***ed. but there are lots of sheap engines on ebay. my dads cousin is gonna buy one for us cuz he lives in the states and its cheaper shipping plus they dont ship to canada anyway. he comin up here in may and hes gonna bring us an engine and we'll pay him back. it really nice looking and i think it was a great trade. the only pic i have right now is the one in my sig. i'll get mor later

wow, way to be a scumbag. i can see you on here crying if someone pulled that on you. i hope the warrior is a pos and never runs.
Thats messed up in lying to the guy let alone straight to his face.

Dont enjoy that warrior too much. You might have a blown up yz in your yard with one pissed off guy that wants his old bike back. Karmas a biotch.
wow totally missed the part where you llied to the guy about what the yz85 needed. WTF man? I hate people that lie, especially in a trade. How would YOU feel if you spent money to put a top end on something to find out the crank is f*cked and have it take out the stuff you just put on? I too hope that warrior never runs again, or the new motor you're buying is also totally f*cked beyond belief.

Coudlnt agree more. Dont come crying to us when you get scam or something.

horeshit...i come back to this forum for one day to check sh*t out, and this is the first post i see...looks like the amount of young ass lying kids keeps growing. i hope it tanks and never runs
the dirtbike was alright, i didnt straight up lie to the guy. it did need a piston and rings but last time we took it in he said it could use a crank and bearing. it still was a great bike and wasnt gonna f**ck up right there and then, there werent any metal filings or anything it was just having some play to it. the main reason we traded is cuz my brother needed something to ride in the trails with me and my dad. and the pther guy need a small bike cuz all his friends (who were like 18) rode little 50cc bikes. but if you guys wanna call me a scumbag or whatever it doesnt bother me, this is a website not my life.
leaving out the fact that its probably gonna need that stuff now that its gone another rebuild on stuff that it could've used at the last rebuild is still dishonest IMO