I need some info on a 89 LT250R.I don't know much about them.I hear there very fast.This guy may want to do a trade with me for my Blaster.All info will help me decide.
i would do it they are fun machines once they are tuned right and jetted right..they fly they keep up with 450 and rappys stock.. if the frame aint cracked in the front.. or the cases are wallowed out from the crank bearings.. or the cylinder dont got holes by the exhaust bridge.. i would do it up.. any questions fire away
yes and no on the powervalves its a barrel style valve and can be adjusted and it affects the i cant remeber the correct term that Brandon from wildcard said it effected the pipe length in ruf and in my terms.. and the powerbarrels on these affects more of the bottom end to help easy into the pipes power it has alot of bottom end grunt...
on the parts yes and no on both.. stock used parts ebay you can get most stuff not as cheap as a blaster but not that much more.. A/F parts are still out there for them. used A/F parts are hard to get sometimes and about the same price for a A/F axle for the qracer as the blaster.. you can still get suspension parts easily brand new if your willing to pay the money for the new stuff then youll be fine.. you can get a-arms from laegers like me metal tech swingarms, marvin shaw rear shock or elka or works.. or the cheap mans way just follow what i have for mods on mine.. anymore??
that dont look like a 89 lt250r the seat is wrong unless he converted it...
from the looks of the seat its a 85-86 lt250r..
ask for a close up of the motor if it has a power valve its a 87-92 if it doesnt have powervalve its a 85-86
but it has a full floater rear shock so it is deff not a 91-92...
i don't see the t seat, so it is an older, prolly not powervalved, if so, i'd keep my blasty if its older, get us pics of the rear shock and engine, then we will be able to tell.
if i'm right, which i think i am, the newer ones have a blue engine, unless that one has been painted it is an older one, qall the powervalved ones have seen are blue.......
Just because it doesnt have a T seat doesnt mean its not a 87-90. It looks like it has Maier low profile race rears which uses the straight seat. What you need to look for to tell if it is a 87-90 is to check for a power valve, an external reed cage, and if the front upper shock mount should be on top of the upper frame rail. The 85-86 front shock mount is under the top frame rail, it doesnt have an external reed cage and no power valve. The rear suspension is the same on the 85-90 but the 87-90 have a differant swingerand the rear suspension is totally differant on the 91-92.
The swinger looks like the 85-86 but I know people preffer that swinger over the 87-90 because it is easier to adjust the chain.
If you can get closer pics of the motor and the front shock mounts I will be able to tell the differance.
I never even rode it yet LOL. I bought as an unfinished project and decided to do a full rebuilt/resto on it. Should have it done by summer I hope. They are mean quads. Like said before with the right set up and a good tune they will keep up with 450s. Its a 250 2stroke you cant go wrong there!!!!!!!!