Need some 89 LT250R info.

Suzuki made soo many changes to their machine but still they couldnt manage to beat the trx250r at the end lol.

Get a banshee if you want to scare yourself.
this may be a little late. but here is what i know. my dad has, had lt500r, so i asked him why not get a suzuki 250 for me?because whatever my next quad was it was going to be a 2 stroke :) He told me some things like you need to rev the snot out of em for power and other sh*t loike that. Well that is the one i was looking at, and my dad told me that one can have so many problems with it being painted and new plastics and stuff,so we kept lookiing and couldnt fin one for 1000-2000 so i went with the blaster. PM me and i can tell you alot more i just dont want to clog up this thread, Sorryy!!!!
A cr500 would be better because they would be more reliable, and there modern and have been around much longer so honda dosent have "crank" issius like the lt500r does.

Just too bad it is a dirtbike motor and has no counter balance and will vibrate your teeth out and crack the frame.
A cr500 would be better because they would be more reliable, and there modern and have been around much longer so honda dosent have "crank" issius like the lt500r does.

wow, at first I was joking, but everytime you post something it seems clear to me you dont know WTF your talking about in regards to the LT500. care to explain this "crank issue" that my zillas have, which I am totally unaware of in 15 years of owning them????? :D
wow, at first I was joking, but everytime you post something it seems clear to me you dont know WTF your talking about in regards to the LT500. care to explain this "crank issue" that my zillas have, which I am totally unaware of in 15 years of owning them????? :D

Some of the more common problems are earlier models blowing head gaskets all the time because of not enought cylinder/head bolts and the crank problems where the journal the crank rides in gets worn, sucks air goes leand and burns a hole in the piston or seizes it up. Calm the f*ck down not all off them are like that, Its certain years. And if you take care off them im sure they would be reliable but i just like honda better
wow, at first I was joking, but everytime you post something it seems clear to me you dont know WTF your talking about in regards to the LT500. care to explain this "crank issue" that my zillas have, which I am totally unaware of in 15 years of owning them????? :D

Don't start sh*t in my tread!!!!!!!X(
Im not starting anything, I was trying to tell you the truth and not let you believe some ignorant and incorrect information, but whatever...

zilla motors suck and I dont know why anyone would ever want one. happy now? :p

I understand your trying to help me.Thank you for that but please don't be rude in my threads.
Im not starting anything, I was trying to tell you the truth and not let you believe some ignorant and incorrect information, but whatever...

zilla motors suck and I dont know why anyone would ever want one. happy now? :p

I did not say zilla motors suck i just said a cr500 would be better for reliability because its modern, but there would be too much vibration. A properly built zilla can be reliable i wasent trying to start sh*t you just told me i did not know wtf i was talking about.