Freek i just looked more into the campgrounds on the link i posted the Devil Anse Campgrounds offers direct access into one of the trail systems at Hatfield McCoy, I'm sure there's more
something like that might work....could be cool
Freek i just looked more into the campgrounds on the link i posted the Devil Anse Campgrounds offers direct access into one of the trail systems at Hatfield McCoy, I'm sure there's more
Price is going to be an issue especially with how many I believe are planning to show up, We are gonna try to keep costs low with carpools. Food may not be too big of an issue as we can buy mass loads of Hot dogs lol.Man thats about a 6 hr drive for me...might be a pricey trip gotta figure camp ground pay, food, and what ever else...
i'd come but they never got back to me ablout how old u have to be to ride a 16+ rider age quad. i'm gonna try them again!!!!! they are kinda makin me angry overthere cause they won't return my e ail, i voted 23-25, but any time from 9th-25th would be great for me.