My trip to the doctor.


New Member
Oct 4, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
So I went to the doctor yesterday because my leg kept going numb during PE class. It turns out that I have fluid in my knee that isn't supposed to be there. So I'm gonna go back in a couple weeks and there going to do an x ray on my ankle to see if I re-broke it or fractured it or anything because of how i previously broke it.

Hopefully they don't have to do surgery on my ankle or knee...
my left arm keeps going numb when im on the computer maybe thats because i lean on it though ...
weird........anyway, my dad gets fluid buildup in his knee, no explanation for it, he just goes to the doctors every once in a while and gets it sucked out.
I had a massive sac of fluid on my knee one time the morning after a basketball game in highschool. It was rad. I just poked at it all day and it went away on its own.
I had a massive sac of fluid on my knee one time the morning after a basketball game in highschool. It was rad. I just poked at it all day and it went away on its own.

lol thats fn crazy lol. my gf had a mass in her knee she had to have scopic surgery where they cut it open send a camera in to look at it. then they just ended up popping it an sucking out the fluids
Yeah if I have to get surgery before my trip to Florence in January for my birthday I'm going to be retardedly pissed the f*ck off.
i had surgery twice so far...once because i broke my growth plate in my finger...then i tore my meniscus being dumb...thats bout it though...
Yeah they usually just stick a needle in and suck the fluid out. A guy I know had it done once.
Ive had reconstructive surgery once on my forearm after I wrecked my bicycle and the bone snapped in half and came out of the skin.
My 3 yr old son had to have 3 hernia surgeries when he was a couple months old and he was fine and went home the same day.

So youll be fine................
dude surgeries not as bad as you would think, unless you dont react well to anasthesia because my dad does't for some reason andhe was throwing up profusely for 2 days cuz of it. aaand you get painkillers so its all good lol
dude surgeries not as bad as you would think, unless you dont react well to anasthesia because my dad does't for some reason andhe was throwing up profusely for 2 days cuz of it. aaand you get painkillers so its all good lol

Yeah but I don't wanna have to have surgery BEFORE January 28th because I have a trip to florence oregon fully planned out for my birthday on january 29th and if i had it then i wouldn't be able to go and it would be retardedly gay.