My Night at the Track


Apr 20, 2011
so tonight was a little unusual at the track! started out, we didnt get there to later in te evening, but any ways, we show up will the blasty in the back and when unloading it i notice another blaster whipping around the track. so im watching "him" for a few minuits and thinking not a bad rider at all! well i the blaster pulls in behind me (unknowing to me) and i turn and a see its a hot girl with long blond hair!!!! well that made my night! then we were pulled in off the track and then sent home becuase it was to dusty and neighbors were complaining!
i did talk to her quikly. hers was a 94 blaster. she did not know much about them other then it was a 94. it had a toomy pipe, razer tires, painted black plastic and flipid front rims with spacers in the back
i did talk to her quikly. hers was a 94 blaster. she did not know much about them other then it was a 94. it had a toomy pipe, razer tires, painted black plastic and flipid front rims with spacers in the back

did you ask her when she'd be there again ???
What no # = no score. How did u not get her# no flirting no roosting her nothin bro that's not right grrrrrrrrr I woulda been all over dat bro
Haha nice , Good Way To Get Attention is riding The Blaster !! , When You See Her Again Show Off a Little , Not Too Much To Look Like a Clown haha , But Enough To Show Her Your Interested !
or challenge her for a couple of races. or atlest be like you wanna come by the crib and show her how to ride! B). ya know what i mean! it can be nervous to ask a girl but what the hell. when you go for it. atleast you can say you tried. lol next time just go with the flow. and try to hook up I:I