i just got in the mail a vitos 240 kit and i ordered a 34mm carb with aluminum air box and some v force reeds, with the bastard pipe on it so i am excited to see what all that will put me at with my friends who only have pipes on their blasters.
Awesome dude. That should rip. After all the influence from 245 I am selling my SMS A Arms, and getting the chrome ones off of the pink bike I am helping SMS part out. I think I am going to bling it up with a similar color scheme. I thought long and hard about my all black setup I envisioned, and it would be hot as hell on a hot summer day. Blue would be much cooler. So that is my reasoning. I am gonna make my quad look pimp now. I might send out my swinger to get plated. I am also buying a set of Elkas from them. So we have one set for sale still. If you haven't checked it, check out the for sale thread I posted with all the SMS stuff. Thanks guys. Let me know if you need anything else!