My $35 Dirt Bike


New Member
Jul 13, 2012
Hi guys I am new to this forum and looking to get a blaster. But this is what I have currently. It is a 1979 yamaha gtmxf 80. I bought this from a friend for $35! I found it behind a shed and eventually paid 35 in a basket case condition. there was no cylinder or head. I had to repair it at his house just to get it in nuteral. I basicly rebuilt the whole engine and carb. The engine has low compression but still runs like a champ. I LOVE 2 STROKES!!!! I like to do engine rapairs as a side job. I'm looking to get a Quad, preferbably a yamaha blaster, Look foward to a yamaha blaster build in the future...



Nice bike welcome to the site , Great price regardless of the motor work needed , those are hard to find now a days , Good luck with your blaster purchase !
bike looks mint mint mint man.
BUT isnt that bike just called a 1979 mx80 i had one aswell for my first bike.

there amazing i owned mine for 2 years and i was pretty hard on it, never had a prob with it and miss it now that i think of it.

i wonder if these mx80's are as easy to mod for hp as a blaster is. they almost share the same design engine altho i know my mx had points for the spark no cdi
bike looks mint mint mint man.
BUT isnt that bike just called a 1979 mx80 i had one aswell for my first bike.

there amazing i owned mine for 2 years and i was pretty hard on it, never had a prob with it and miss it now that i think of it.

i wonder if these mx80's are as easy to mod for hp as a blaster is. they almost share the same design engine altho i know my mx had points for the spark no cdi

Parts may be difficult to locate but yea the same mods would add power.
these mx80s were pretty slow;) they had an odd shift pattern 4 gears all up. they were kinda heavy too but heck i bet mine would still haul me. i bet a good head and squish with minor porting would really livin up one. DAMITT now i want one.
mine would revv out pretty good i guess the power wasnt too bad
Ha! You actually fit it pretty well when you bought it. Who would have known you'd grow 12 inches in a year?
Poor Triplecrown completely missed out on size 10 shoes. Went directly from 9 to 11.

I remember a ring change on that bike took us 15 minutes and cost less than $20.
Wish all bikes were so easy...
