Most Innovation


Dec 18, 2011
New Jersey
this thread is about times where youy have been trail riding or racing, and ur bike winded up stalling and you couldent get it running, so u found the problem, and fixed it in the woods or at the track with something other then auctal parts. heres my story!

last race, during practice, i hit a puddle at WOT, and it bent my reeds, and the quad wouldent start or run for nothing. i was the 2nd race that day which meant i only had 15mins at most to make it to the gate. so i took everything appart, took the reeds out, and used a TGIF credit card as reeds, and made it to the gate with 10 secs to spare.

whats your stories???
i've also made a set of reeds out of a home depot return credit card, for my buddy

i do remember one time, around 3am in the morning, my chain coming off and getting all balled up between the swinger and sprocket, got the sprocket bolts out, but it was jambed on too, figured the whole swinger needed to come off to undo the cluster-fug ?
we had already made a fire to spend the night, when i got the idea to stand it on it's ass and use a big log to jamb in there and rip the chain out, worked like a champ and we limped it home

quite neanderthal if i do say so myself, but worked !
i've also made a set of reeds out of a home depot return credit card, for my buddy

i do remember one time, around 3am in the morning, my chain coming off and getting all balled up between the swinger and sprocket, got the sprocket bolts out, but it was jambed on too, figured the whole swinger needed to come off to undo the cluster-fug ?
we had already made a fire to spend the night, when i got the idea to stand it on it's ass and use a big log to jamb in there and rip the chain out, worked like a champ and we limped it home

quite neanderthal if i do say so myself, but worked !

lmao! nice! ! .
oooohhhh another one ....................

only last year, i had the top of a sparkplug come loose and burn up my plug cap, i thought i fried it, it acted the same way, found the plug boot all charred, so i had to cut it off, strip the wire and wrap just the wire around the threads of the plug, then used the rubber boot to hold it on.
i had to hold it wide open as it popped and crackled the whole way home about 5 miles, and only about 20 mph top speed
oooohhhh another one ....................

only last year, i had the top of a sparkplug come loose and burn up my plug cap, i thought i fried it, it acted the same way, found the plug boot all charred, so i had to cut it off, strip the wire and wrap just the wire around the threads of the plug, then used the rubber boot to hold it on.
i had to hold it wide open as it popped and crackled the whole way home about 5 miles, and only about 20 mph top speed

lmao! nice!

i dont really have a fix for this one, caus ei couldent figure it out, but here goes it.

so me and my brother went riding in the pine berrings. we were about 10-15 miles in just one way, and we got spereated. i was riding my little moto 4 80, and my brother was on my grandfathers's 600 girzaly. i started to go back to our start point, and i got about 2 miles in, and thought "should i just say here and wait?" so i decided to shut off my engine, and listened to see if i can hear his bike. i couldent. went to start up my bike, and it would not start for nothing. it was dead 10 miles into the pine bearings. so im like "sh*t". i took out my phone, and it has no service. so i started to walk the bike down the trail a little, and started to get a little nervous and scared because of cyotes, fox, and such. so i decided to sit on my bike and just sit there for about 15 ins or so. starting to get dark. not im flipping out, cause idk if my brother is lost now too. i had no idea where i was eaither. i looked into my gas take, and its 1/2 full. so i stat to worry, cause that thing sucked up gas like a mofo. so i tried to start it, but i tried to jump start it first so i wouldent kill the battery. and doing that on flat land sucks. i got nothing, so i tried the electric start, and about 2 mins of cranking, it started! so im like AWESOME!!! i started to dive back. just trying random trails and if then dident look fimilar, i turned around and went the other way. i rode for bout 30 mins total, and i found the main strech, so i started racing to where we enter the trails. some how where i found my way back, it was complety on another side of where we left our main trail to get there. so i pulled off the to the side called my mom, and told here we were fine, and waited for my brother to show up. took about 30-40 mins before i found him again, and he too was on reserve with his gas. so we went home. lol i check my gas, and my tank was dry. i was bout 11 yo when this happened.
Wow, you guys have gone on some adventures! Lol. I personally haven't had any mechanical problems (yet) while out riding, but Ive gotten lost a couple times and helped a few others who got in trouble out.

Best trail fail in my experience happened last September at Busco Beach. I was riding my Blasty with a couple other guys (who shall remain nameless) from the Forum. All was going well when we hit a hillclimb right outside of camp. I cleared it just fine and got some good air in the process. The guy following behind me also made it no prob. The last guy up made it, too, but he landed hard with his stock shocks and almost lost control. But no apparent damage was done, so we kept on riding. Suddenly, his Blaster (the one that landed hard) bogs out and dies. I saw what happened and rode over to offer some assistance. After determining that there was still fuel in the tank, compression in the cylinder, and the spark was hot, I popped the seat to take a look at the air filter.

And there we discovered the problem. See, this guy likes to drink. So much so that he had stuck a couple cold Bud Lights into his lidless airbox to enjoy while out on the trails. Problem was, the bottles holding the brew were glass. The hard landing taken earlier had apparently shattered one of the bottles, with the resulting spill filling up the whole intake and carburetor. :o So after draining the carb bowl (one of us was lucky enough to have brought a screwdriver) and emptying the intake, I proceeded to wring a rather large quantity of beer from the foam air filter.

15 kicks later, and the engine finally sputtered back to life and we were back to riding. Lesson learned here, gents....If you're gonna keep your air filter company while out on a long ride, watch out for leaks!! ;) :D
I was riding my Blasty with a couple other guys (who shall remain nameless) from the Forum.

See, this guy likes to drink. So much so that he had stuck a couple cold Bud Lights into his lidless airbox to enjoy while out on the trails. ;) :D

had to be double E
my story so me and my dad were out riding the dunes and we were on a night ride down at sand lakes, my dad was on his shee and i was on the blasty and i was just following him through some sand trails and all the sudden his pipes caught on fire and so he jumped off and tryed to kick sand on them, and then he tryed to start it back up and it wouldint start and we were stumped and we finally found out it was just outta gas lmao. so then i had to ride all the way all the way back to camp at 1am, and we were all the way at the end of the dunes and i got the 5 gallon gas tank filled mine up a little then i just took some tie downs and strapped the tank of gas to my stomach for the ride back, and it was night time so i couldint really see so then i was just riding then all the sudden drove off the side of a dune on accident lol, and i splashed gas in my face, so then i finally got there gave him the gas then it started back up and we finally got back to camp, then we get a 200$ ticket for after hours riding witch sucked.
Wow, you guys have gone on some adventures! Lol. I personally haven't had any mechanical problems (yet) while out riding, but Ive gotten lost a couple times and helped a few others who got in trouble out.

Best trail fail in my experience happened last September at Busco Beach. I was riding my Blasty with a couple other guys (who shall remain nameless) from the Forum. All was going well when we hit a hillclimb right outside of camp. I cleared it just fine and got some good air in the process. The guy following behind me also made it no prob. The last guy up made it, too, but he landed hard with his stock shocks and almost lost control. But no apparent damage was done, so we kept on riding. Suddenly, his Blaster (the one that landed hard) bogs out and dies. I saw what happened and rode over to offer some assistance. After determining that there was still fuel in the tank, compression in the cylinder, and the spark was hot, I popped the seat to take a look at the air filter.

And there we discovered the problem. See, this guy likes to drink. So much so that he had stuck a couple cold Bud Lights into his lidless airbox to enjoy while out on the trails. Problem was, the bottles holding the brew were glass. The hard landing taken earlier had apparently shattered one of the bottles, with the resulting spill filling up the whole intake and carburetor. :o So after draining the carb bowl (one of us was lucky enough to have brought a screwdriver) and emptying the intake, I proceeded to wring a rather large quantity of beer from the foam air filter.

15 kicks later, and the engine finally sputtered back to life and we were back to riding. Lesson learned here, gents....If you're gonna keep your air filter company while out on a long ride, watch out for leaks!! ;) :D

wait.... i thought menthanol was auctally alcohol..... does this mean engines dont run on alcohol? lmao thats funny as sh*t tho! u should have ran the tube from the carb to your mouth when u drained it! would probs have been the tastest gas ever! lol

my story so me and my dad were out riding the dunes and we were on a night ride down at sand lakes, my dad was on his shee and i was on the blasty and i was just following him through some sand trails and all the sudden his pipes caught on fire and so he jumped off and tryed to kick sand on them, and then he tryed to start it back up and it wouldint start and we were stumped and we finally found out it was just outta gas lmao. so then i had to ride all the way all the way back to camp at 1am, and we were all the way at the end of the dunes and i got the 5 gallon gas tank filled mine up a little then i just took some tie downs and strapped the tank of gas to my stomach for the ride back, and it was night time so i couldint really see so then i was just riding then all the sudden drove off the side of a dune on accident lol, and i splashed gas in my face, so then i finally got there gave him the gas then it started back up and we finally got back to camp, then we get a 200$ ticket for after hours riding witch sucked.

ahhh dude that sucks! i would have told them u guys broke down and u had to go back for your dad.....
The last time i went riding my cousins quad, a drr 90 bored over to a 101, got really friendly with some rocks and snapped the chain. We were in the middle of no where and it was to far to ride back for a chain. I was riding a polaris sportsman 700. We hooked a tow strap to the bumper of the 101 and to the hitch on mine. My uncle pulled him up the hill because it was all rocks and snow and I didnt want to flip him. When we got to the top, my uncle was like, alright what do we do now? Some one suggested that we dump it in the woods and come back for it on our way out. The place we were riding at was full of crazy drunk rednecks so he was kind of hesitant, but we left it. He pushed it a good 20 yards off the trail and put it behind a tree. There was no way some one was seeing it unless they watched us put it there. On the way back we went to pick up the quad and it was gone. HA just kidding! My uncle would have searched every camp site (police sergent, and ex marine with a temper lol). It was right where we left it. One of my uncles friends towed it home with a RZR.
The last time i went riding my cousins quad, a drr 90 bored over to a 101, got really friendly with some rocks and snapped the chain. We were in the middle of no where and it was to far to ride back for a chain. I was riding a polaris sportsman 700. We hooked a tow strap to the bumper of the 101 and to the hitch on mine. My uncle pulled him up the hill because it was all rocks and snow and I didnt want to flip him. When we got to the top, my uncle was like, alright what do we do now? Some one suggested that we dump it in the woods and come back for it on our way out. The place we were riding at was full of crazy drunk rednecks so he was kind of hesitant, but we left it. He pushed it a good 20 yards off the trail and put it behind a tree. There was no way some one was seeing it unless they watched us put it there. On the way back we went to pick up the quad and it was gone. HA just kidding! My uncle would have searched every camp site (police sergent, and ex marine with a temper lol). It was right where we left it. One of my uncles friends towed it home with a RZR.

haha nice! i hate when ppl touch my toys :D
ok i was riding the blaster up at my buddies cabbin in sparta and the night befor i had took my a arms off and painted them and i put them back on and forgott to put a cotter key in the lower ball joint and i was hauling ass through the trail and i slowed pown to go around the side of the mud hole and when i did the a arm fell off the spindle almost throwing me in to the mud so i had to call my dad and my buddy to come and pick me up with his suzuki samuri and we tied a rope from the front bumper to the wheel hanging on the back of the samuri and i bot to walk behind it the 5 miles backto the cabbin and when we got there we just tied a rope from the upper aarm to the bottom a arm so we could load it into the truck
ok i was riding the blaster up at my buddies cabbin in sparta and the night befor i had took my a arms off and painted them and i put them back on and forgott to put a cotter key in the lower ball joint and i was hauling ass through the trail and i slowed pown to go around the side of the mud hole and when i did the a arm fell off the spindle almost throwing me in to the mud so i had to call my dad and my buddy to come and pick me up with his suzuki samuri and we tied a rope from the front bumper to the wheel hanging on the back of the samuri and i bot to walk behind it the 5 miles backto the cabbin and when we got there we just tied a rope from the upper aarm to the bottom a arm so we could load it into the truck

ha 5 miles sucks!
me and my grandfather went hunting 1 time in the winter, and where we went, its about 2 miles up a mountain, and the walking up a mountain with 80-100lbs of cloths guns and other sh*t on ya sucks. so he took the grizz and i had to walk with all my gear and gun + his gun up the mountain...... lol it sucked. and when i got to the top, i was so sweaty, and sweating in 30 degree cold makes u really cold all day, so i was misserable all day lol
heres a pic