Misinformation vs. Information.


New Member
Jan 2, 2012
Hello, everyone.

I want to begin by saying that I think there is a LOT of valuable information to be gleamed from this board, and for that I thank all of you.

HOWEVER, I have found just as much MIS-information on here as I have found information.

While this is not a b*tch or anything like that, I would caution that some of the information posted here is downright dangerous.

Unless you actually RACE your Blaster, you probably shouldn't:

1. Remove/Disengage your TORS system. It is there for a reason. I think that 95% of all "TORS" related issues are not TORS related issues at all. Removing this safety system is dangerous advice. Some kid is going to do this, GET a sticky throttle and kill himself.

2. Remove/Disengage your oil injection system. For what? Because you're scared it will stop working? You're going to know pretty quickly if it quits working. You start screwing with this and you run the risk of FRYING your Blaster.

I appreciate all the help I have received on here, and again, I thank you for it, but there is some bad advice on here concerning these 2 subjects in particular that I think is pretty far-fetched. Perhaps not in all cases, but certainly in most.

I for one, can tell you that I would NOT buy a Blaster that had been butchered up by a 15 year old kid who has no reference other than the "advice" on this board. Careful what you're throwing out there.

I've seen posts of "rough idle = Tors Removal". "Problem starting = Tors Removal", "Revs really high = Tors removal", pulls to the left = Tors removal (OK, that's an exaggeration). Blows smoke = butcher the oil injection system, Runs rough = butcher the oil injection system, needs more power = butcher the oil injection system... etc....etc....this is just not so.

Careful with your advice guys. Some kid is going to kill himself or kill his Blaster trying to modify it.

(Gets off soapbox now).
I agree with the thoughts on someone butchering the TORS system but there are how to's on proper removal and pre mix mixing instructions and, if followed correctly, are completely safe. Don't blame the forum for someones inability to follow directions and do a job correctly. Each person should know their own limits and not tackle or short cut on the established ways to correctly perform a modification. Don't down the guys who try to help the people normally who don't take the time to read the information sticky'd on most sub forums.
I like knowing exactly how much oil I'm giving the motor. that's why I premix. plus a lot of guys go with an aftermarket carb, and once you do, most of the time you need to eliminate these 2 systems anyway.
Hello, everyone.

I want to begin by saying that I think there is a LOT of valuable information to be gleamed from this board, and for that I thank all of you.

HOWEVER, I have found just as much MIS-information on here as I have found information.

While this is not a b*tch or anything like that, I would caution that some of the information posted here is downright dangerous.

Unless you actually RACE your Blaster, you probably shouldn't:

1. Remove/Disengage your TORS system. It is there for a reason. I think that 95% of all "TORS" related issues are not TORS related issues at all. Removing this safety system is dangerous advice. Some kid is going to do this, GET a sticky throttle and kill himself.

2. Remove/Disengage your oil injection system. For what? Because you're scared it will stop working? You're going to know pretty quickly if it quits working. You start screwing with this and you run the risk of FRYING your Blaster.

I appreciate all the help I have received on here, and again, I thank you for it, but there is some bad advice on here concerning these 2 subjects in particular that I think is pretty far-fetched. Perhaps not in all cases, but certainly in most.

I for one, can tell you that I would NOT buy a Blaster that had been butchered up by a 15 year old kid who has no reference other than the "advice" on this board. Careful what you're throwing out there.

I've seen posts of "rough idle = Tors Removal". "Problem starting = Tors Removal", "Revs really high = Tors removal", pulls to the left = Tors removal (OK, that's an exaggeration). Blows smoke = butcher the oil injection system, Runs rough = butcher the oil injection system, needs more power = butcher the oil injection system... etc....etc....this is just not so.

Careful with your advice guys. Some kid is going to kill himself or kill his Blaster trying to modify it.

(Gets off soapbox now).

first off...if a kid isn't mature enuf and/or capable of instantly hitting the bar mounted kill switch if anything sticks or goes wrong,
he has no business being on a full size anything,
his parents should still having him riding one of the "mini quads" that come with a keyfob killswitch, so his watching parents can kill it for him

secondly....if the oil injection is a must, i wonder why all quads/bikes don't use them ???

you are correct about every little problem being overly refered to these 2 systems, but they are definately not "needed"
nor bad advice for anyone capable of removing them
Fair points, and articulately stated.

Perhaps when the inevitable "rough idle = Tors removal" response comes up, the admins or even you guys who know what you're doing can shoot that down.

Again, I am not b*tching, nor am I blaming an entire forum community for the advice of a few folks who OBVIOUSLY don't know what they're talking about, but when that "advice" is presented, perhaps it is in the best interest of all involved to call it out as such.

If your goal is to go as fast as humanly possible on a Blaster (and what 15 year old kid's goal isn't?), the Blaster has the ability to wrap you around a tree just as easy with or without the TORS system enabled.

I don't think "a lot of guys" are going to immediately buy an aftermarket carb. That costs money, and most kids don't have that kind of cash. They do the "easiest" thing possible to try to gain some HP or troubleshoot a perceived problem. Again, this is not aimed at people who are REALLY racing their Blasters. Everyone wants to believe they're a "BadAss", maybe 10% are.

Hell, my son's Blaster (which I ride more than he does), is more than capable of killing me as it sits, almost stock. We trail ride, and to be honest, I rarely get out of 3rd gear.
ok well taking the oil injection sytem off has its pros and cons, the pros: can change mix ratio, wont blow the engine if it fails, cleaner looking blaster, takes weight off.
cons: none really...except you dont have to mix the gas and oil but thats not hard to do at all...

same with the tors, if something is wrong on your blaster the tors is one less thing to think about thats causing the problem, and plus taking it off it looks cleaner and i agree with awk about the killswitch subject...
wow, there are soooooo many things wrong with what you originally posted.

the tors system is a joke, half the time it doesnt do its job. the other half of the time its doing its job when it shouldnt be. it was badly engineered. saying its "needed" is half way retarded.
theres a reason why yamaha ditched it in later years. the only reason they ran it in 03-06 was so they wouldnt have to redesign it before the end of production, R&D costs millions.

99.8% of carb swaps have to disable the oil injection system. the oil injection system was a ease of use item, so people wouldnt always be mixing gas or improperly mixing gas causing a lean situation. thats all it was there for, it was not needed to run correctly.

I don't think "a lot of guys" are going to immediately buy an aftermarket carb. That costs money, and most kids don't have that kind of cash. They do the "easiest" thing possible to try to gain some HP or troubleshoot a perceived problem. Again, this is not aimed at people who are REALLY racing their Blasters. Everyone wants to believe they're a "BadAss", maybe 10% are.

Hell, my son's Blaster (which I ride more than he does), is more than capable of killing me as it sits, almost stock. We trail ride, and to be honest, I rarely get out of 3rd gear.

A: removing either of these systems does NOT make any extra power, wrong there. and its easier to troubleshoot with out the tors there, its just one more thing trying to control your engine.

B: if you rarely get out of 3rd gear you either arent geared right... or you ride like a lil girl.

i go or blow. and i got the scars and floating ribs to prove it! if your not going to ride it hard whats the point. thats like the old farmers around here that buy corvettes as a status symbol, they barely leave the garage and have never been over 65 mph.. im not saying F stuff up, or try to get hurt/ be reckless. but grow a pair of balls and give it some gas
this has been argued time and time again on here, and even recently directly addressed...bad info vs. good info.
if the mods/admins had to police every tidbit of info given on here, we wouldn't have time to do anything else
as i've stated in that previous thread, it is up to each individual to allow the thread to play out, and gather as much info as possible, then roll with the majority advice, not just run out and apply the first advice given, good or bad
it is also suggested to pay more advice to that given by the techs and most reputed peeps on here
Im 15 and removed my tors and oil injection just fine with the advice from this forum. I dont know many people who leave their quads completely stock especially when their are easy mods like oil injection block off and tors removal that increase performance and peace of mind and make your quad simpler. I dont know why you're focusing on kids screwing sh*t up. I know a lot of adults who ride quads and dont know anything about them. they are more prone to messing their own quad and self up than some kids and if you only get in 3rd gear you obviously dont know how to ride and if you think you have better advice for people on the topics on here post them. you only have 30 posts
this has been argued time and time again on here, and even recently directly addressed...bad info vs. good info.
if the mods/admins had to police every tidbit of info given on here, we wouldn't have time to do anything else
as i've stated in that previous thread, it is up to each individual to allow the thread to play out, and gather as much info as possible, then roll with the majority advice, not just run out and apply the first advice given, good or bad
it is also suggested to pay more advice to that given by the techs and most reputed peeps on here
Absolutely!!! No one is Forcing Anyone to do Anything!!! Read up, ask questions and USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT!!! Well said Joe!I:I
lets continue this discussion without any bashing please,
everyone is entitled to their opinion, and to ride however, wherever, and in whatever gear they feel comfortable doing so
You guys do whatever you want.

"A: removing either of these systems does NOT make any extra power, wrong there. and its easier to troubleshoot with out the tors there, its just one more thing trying to control your engine."

"Im 15 and removed my tors and oil injection just fine with the advice from this forum. I dont know many people who leave their quads completely stock especially when their are easy mods like oil injection block off and tors removal that increase performance and peace of mind and make your quad simpler."

I think I just proved my point.
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i wasnt bashing or trying to be mean, sometimes when im typing, i come off a little rude sorry.

i was merely saying most of us ride hard, and have put these quads through horrible abuse, even wrecked them bad. they can take it and keep going most of the time, so dont be afraid to hit the gas and see what your riding limits are. if your comfortable not pushing the envelope thats fine. just dont be afraid to, these things hold up pretty well, the tors and oil inj. deleted or not. arent going to limit your riding.
Wow Seriously , Didn't Think I would See This Again , Like Stated before by Blasterboy32 , I See More Adults breaking there Atv's than 15 year old kids , Heck I owned my Blaster for 4 Years all stock minus rear tire change before I Let someone else ride it and they blew it up Because they said they knew how to ride and didn't , My Fault I Know , But You Cant Blame Anybody for One Person's Decision , Either you have the Confidence to Work on your atv or you Don't Plain and Simple , My Parents let me work on my own Stuff For the Experience , At age 9 I was Repairing Rust and Spray Painting Primer On cars , Just Because one 15 Year old Kid Does something Wrong or Gets Hurt makes a Whole Forum -Or Group of People Responsible , Rant over
To each their own. If all blaster owners would buy or download the service/parts manual, then actually read it maybe most of the rediculous responses and or questions wouldn't be asked, but we all now this isn't a perfect world.

I answer the same question probably, five times a day most times and i'll do it always if it helps a kid, parent, buddy out.

I have to say that the young kids have to start to learn somewhere, they will never be able to understand what the parts do if they don't take them off, apart, test with and without. Hopefully they will not get hurt, but lets face it, Kids will get hurt riding, some to their death unfortunately, but that is life. Something I had to think about before the purchase of a motorized vehicle for my kids and even myself.

I do not race, but ride hard. I have never owned a quad until the blaster now i'm in my 40's, as my parents were cheap and protective of me. I have learned how to ride, modify, maintain, and tear up some dirt all from the great members on this site.

Coralkong, ya have to spend more time on here to absorb all the info, find out who is and who isn't giving good info.

The mods and admins have more important issues to deal with than mis information IMO!

This goes out to all the members on here, if someone gives the wrong info i believe it is all of our responsibility to intercept it and correct that person, as no one is perfect.

I feel I know just about everything there is about operation and upkeep of blasters, I have even given misinformation at times, not intentionally and have been corrected by another, apologized, and agreed with the correct info.

Moral of the story, choose your info wisely!
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You guys do whatever you want.

"A: removing either of these systems does NOT make any extra power, wrong there. and its easier to troubleshoot with out the tors there, its just one more thing trying to control your engine."

"Im 15 and removed my tors and oil injection just fine with the advice from this forum. I dont know many people who leave their quads completely stock especially when their are easy mods like oil injection block off and tors removal that increase performance and peace of mind and make your quad simpler."

I think I just proved my point.

Not trying to be rude but getting rid of the oil injection can increase performance under certain conditions. I'm not positive what it mixed at but I believe it was 40:1 but that's not important and different ratio's will effect performance when it is changed a lot
you say that it's easy/ fast to relize when your oil injection fails.. yea it is.. when your blaster locks up... I prefer to mix my gas because than If it blows up it's on me not on me riding and not knowing that it's not mixing... please explain how you would notice if your injection system stopped working?
You guys do whatever you want.

"A: removing either of these systems does NOT make any extra power, wrong there. and its easier to troubleshoot with out the tors there, its just one more thing trying to control your engine."

"Im 15 and removed my tors and oil injection just fine with the advice from this forum. I dont know many people who leave their quads completely stock especially when their are easy mods like oil injection block off and tors removal that increase performance and peace of mind and make your quad simpler."

I think I just proved my point.

I think you just took the part that suited your point. Many believe that mixing is a surer way to know what's going through the engine. It does prove your point that many have problems understanding what someone else is trying to say.