liquid5soul is a crook dont buy or sell to him

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New Member
Mar 28, 2008
South Dakota
just like the title says he rips people off!!!!!!!!!!!! and he has the balls to keep coming on here and not responding to my pms....what a coward
sucks man.. seemed cool all the times i talked to him, i think its time for him to man up and make right on his deals, i think if he does that, a second chance is in line,

i think the saying goes, burn me once shame on your burn me twice shame on me??

or is it burn me once shame on me burn me twice shame on you?? ahh hell i dont know! but you know what i mean
sucks man.. seemed cool all the times i talked to him, i think its time for him to man up and make right on his deals, i think if he does that, a second chance is in line,

i think the saying goes, burn me once shame on your burn me twice shame on me??

or is it burn me once shame on me burn me twice shame on you?? ahh hell i dont know! but you know what i mean
its the 1st one...

fool me once shame on you. fool me twice shame on me.

dont know what he did, but if he dicked somebody over, well....sux for that person...and liquid would be a dick for sure...i dont know specifics, and i've never had an issue with anybody on here, nor do i plan too....but f-ing someone over (especially for stupid sh*t) is just plain dumb..why? you know its gonna fall back on you....i never did understand that.....
I always got along good with liquid.He sent me a p.m. the other day asking a question about some wiring and I just responded that I will not help him till he mans up and makes all of his bad dealings on this site good.Nobody likes a crook.LIQUID it is time to man up and fix any of these bad deals you have going.If not I say it's time for the ban hammer.C'mon bro make things right.
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I always got along good with liquid.He sent me a p.m. the other day asking a question about some wiring and I just responded that I will not help him till he mans up and makes all of his bad dealings on this site good.Nobody likes a crook.LIQUID it is time to man up and fix any of these bad deals you have going.If not I say it's time for the ban hammer.C'mon bro make things right.

very well spoken! reps given......

he always did seem cool until i heard what he did......... hope ya make things right! and i remember in yb's .... we wanted liquid to be a mod! lol
i've got my own little story with liquid.. so quit talking with him to because of his shady sh*t he did to me.
like i said the only reason i got anything from him was cause it was the last day of the paypal claim. he either gave a tracking # or they would have given me a refund. waited over 6 weeks. but i did finally get my stuff..
yeah.. he gave me 1/2 the moneuy on a balster engine he said he was FOR SURE buying.. and i agreed to hold it for him.. so he could send the other 1/2 2 weeks later.. well the day thta i'm suppsed to get the other 1/2 of the money he says "oh i got laid of today i need that money back" and gave me a sob story about haveing to provide for his family and such... well being that i know how that is because at the time i was laid off too. i was sympathic and sent him his 1/2 the money back... then a coupel days later he's on here with pic of this engine his brother "gave" him.. and then i see him talking about all the different sh*t he just bought for his blaster... providing for your family through a layoff at work huh? backign out on the deal is one thing.. lying to me and giving me a sob story about how your family is hurt by the fact that you agreed to buy an engine is a compeltely different story.. it goes to show what kind of guy he is... using your family as a pawn to back out of a deal with a guy that was going out of his way to help you... and in turn he took the "garenteed" money away from my household that at that point i was counting on.. and he knew that because i told him "i normally don't do this 1/2 now 1/2 later sh*t because if the buyer backs out i'm out $ and / or another potential buyer" i guess that goes to show just what kind of guy he really is. a f*cking liar..
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